Thursday, February 19, 2009

Learning Opportunity

The Current WWIII has defintiely taught all of us a Good Lesson.

And I have also been using the Opportunity to teach my boys a few things.

First, Numbers.
An example :
From 0... to 4,000,000,000,000!
From US's Zero Interest Rate to China's 4 Trillion Stimulus Package!

Second, Geography.
Examples :
USA - in North America,the World' Largest Economy and where the Current WWIII started.
Iceland - in Scandania and a Country has gone from "Heaven" to "Hell"
Europe - with Germany as the 3rd Largest Economy and where the Recession also hitting hard,
China - in Asia, the Most Popoluated Country and a Country which Australia think could rely on to weather the current tough times.

Third, Exchange Rates.
They both now figure out they are better off working in UK when they get older, as the Sterling Pounds can buy More other currencies, so that if one day they return HK, NZ or OZ etc. after working over there, they could be Richer Instantly due to the Exchange Rate Favour!

Children, we as adults can learn so much from them.
For being Happy.
A 3-year-old child laughs 300 times a day, whereas a 30-year-old adult laughs less than 30 times!

For being Energetic.
A 4-year-old could run up & down for 3 hours, whereas a 40-year-old adult could only sit in a sofa for 3 hours!

For being Positive.
A 5-year-old could tell us Happily what they want to be, whereas a 50-yeat-old adult would concentrate on what they do NOT want!

Some of us may have spend great time in monitoring the markets.
But have we spent enough time on our children?
Have I not stated the Best Investment is on "People"?
One of these "People" is Our Children.
From them, we get the Biggest Return - the Biggest Happiness.

Our Children Bring Us to This be their Guiding Angel

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