Tuesday, February 21, 2012


People in Trouble.
People in Trouble in every place we know.

People in US.
How many of them are Sad?
Couples living underground like rats.
Families squeezing into tiny motel beds.
Many sleeping in any tent they can get.

People in Britain.
How many of them are Frightened?
Youth unemployment hits record a million.
Law to cap benefit payments was beaten.
Small firms are being abandoned.

People in Europe.
How many of them losing Hope?
Greeks simply cannot cope.
Portuguese walking a tightrope.
Spanish empty cities need blessing of Pope.

People in China.
How many of them losing Stamina?
Power struggle seen by politicians in America.
Economy struggles due to fading overseas orders.
Debt Crisis is to cause Global Financial Disorder.

You are Better.
You are Better and More Ready than others.

People Cause Great Pain to Make Great Gain

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I once asked a friend,
A very successful VP by every standard.
A very tricky question,
'Have you ever wondered why someone,
Who are Less Educated,
Less Intelligent, Less Experienced,
Less Qualified, Less Visionary than you,
Have achieved MORE than you?'

He replied without thinking,
And kind of complaining,
'That's Simple,
They just had MORE Luck than I!'
Since that day I've a New Thinking.
About him.
And started to distant him.
Because there was a HUGE gap between us.

Why do people always Complain,
Their Own Failure is due to No Luck?
Their Limited Achievement due to Less Luck?
Intentionally Shifting the 'Blame' to .....
Something appears they've NO control of.
The God, the Fate, the Destiny....
Or the Luck?
When the Cause is Obviously THEMSELVES!

Why do people NOT understand...(don't want to?)
Their Success depends SOLELY on THEMSELVES.
Most people mostly facing Similar Events,
Similar Situations in their Lives.
The Only difference is :
How one deals with each Event/Situation.
So, don't blame Bank Manager, Fund Manager etc.
For losing all your savings in Bad Investments.

If you were him, the following artist,
Would you not be tempted to take the cash then?
All US$60,000 of it.
Or would you try your Luck?
With a bit of Vision & a bit of Patience.
In Trusting yourself, Taking the chance?
Now an Ultimate Winner.
And US$200 Millions Richer.

Just Good Luck?

Hard Luck if you cannot CREATE your Luck

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Another historical moment.
Further gain by the German.
Further Integration of the Europeans.

But,anyone noticed there's something wrong?
The Focus on reduce Unemployment is gone?
Busy in teasing/isolating British 'James Bond'?

Europe is soon to Officially be in Recession.
What's all this talk of Growth Stimulation?
Only Rich/Power move money out in big transaction.

There's not much time left.
Before everyone is to face the fact.
Greece is kicked & Italy can't make a come back.

There's further evidence to act.
Switch currency & buy more gold to protect.
Your Life-time saving, your buying power in supermarket!

Time is Ticking