Sunday, December 30, 2012


Same report in a newspaper.
Does it mean the same to the twin brothers/sisters?
Or they make different conclusion from each other?

A report claims Spain's house price gets more frightened.
Will both buy in Spain as they think it's at rock bottom?
Or 1 to buy in London as many see UK a 'Safe Heaven'?

A report claims many people soon can't afford a pension.
Will both buy utility shares (basic need) as a precaution?
Or 1 to buy train shares as many working in far destination?

Same Facts, Different Acts
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Sunday, December 23, 2012


The world has not come to an end.
We can now celebrate X'mas with friends.
And use remaining 8 days to make a plan.

2012, what a year to remember.
Share prices on a roller coaster,
Facebook, Apple etc. hurt some investors.

Greece, Portugal caused some panic.
Spain, Italy also getting worse economic.
France, Germany & UK to fall any minute.

'Fiscal Cliff' deadline in US is getting near.
But a definite deal has yet to come clear.
'No deal' is to cost US & the world very dear.

China has a new leader.
But tension with Japan is getting higher.
Is a war to start any sooner?

Middle East is always a time bomb.
Anything happens there will soon hit home.
More nations are soon to become 'war zone'?

Is Euro soon to be rejected?
Is Gold soon to fly high like a jet?
Is RMB to rise/fall as much as it can get?

Or something totally unexpected to take place?
Causing most to lose money in every case?
And making many to completely losing faith?

An Ending starts a Beginning
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Sunday, December 16, 2012


In politics, there is no Right or Wrong.
Most politicians tend to 'go along',
To please fund donors before money is gone.

How many innocents being killed in America?
A long long list as far as I can remember.
But noone stands up to 'gun industry' big brother;

In finance, there is no Right or Wrong.
Most bankers just want to keep on & on,
Continue 'Miselling, Manupulating' etc. Con.

How many victims being ripped off in Britain?
Consumers' protection is always insufficient.
Criminals fined only as noone ever put in prison;

In you, is there Right or Wrong?
Do you just think of profit all day long?
Principles, Values, Moral are all foregone?

Inside us, there is an angel & a devil.
It's up to us to decide which one to follow:
Be kind & happy or be selfish with sorrow.

There is Good or Bad, There is Right or Wrong
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Sunday, December 9, 2012


Accused of not lending as much as they can.
Pushing home buyers, entrepreneurs to dead end.

Blamed for causing the current Big Bang.
Packaging toxic mortgages as AAA bonds back then.

Broken to ensure they are in power again.
Damaging peace, wasting money, losing every friend.

Deployed to disperse demonstrators every weekend?
Keeping corrupted, incompetent PM to stay in No. 10?

Greedy Parties > Global Instabilities > Investment Uncertainties
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Sunday, December 2, 2012


The current Greatest Depression has made history.
Causing billions to suffer a never-ending misery,
Breaking something we've known for centuries.

The break-up of Relationship.
Little money leading to extreme hardship.
Making once happy couples to end their friendship.

The break-up of Class.
Middle Class is disappearing fast,
As they're taxed most and working longer hours.

The break-up of State.
Wealthier regions demands more say,
Wanting to be fully independent one day.

How the break-ups are to affect your investment?
To your plan for retirement?
To your happiness at this very moment?

Does Break-up = Breakthrough?
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