Sunday, April 24, 2011


Many call it 'Credit Crunch'.
I often call it 'Credit Punch',
Because it was caused by 'Greedy Bunch'.

How Stupid could it look?
When S & P just put US on 'Negative Outlook'?
When US always has Trillion Deficit Deadlock.

How Impartial could it be?
When Golman Sach advising clients to 'Buy',
Yet it secretly kissing same stock goodbye.

The Problems are always there,
The Greedys are always everywhere,
Now, they're doing it again in open air.

How have you prepared?
When US 'suddenly' being found NO Credit left.
When Chinese RMB 'Free Exchange' not yet there.

Who could you Trust?
What could you Trust?
How long could they delay Bubbles to Burst?

Run For Over, Game Soon Over

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Look at the way things go,
One may sigh & say, 'Oh, No!'.
Everywhere has a big black Hole.

In US, sometimes ago,
Money not easy to get hold,
Points system started to float.

Provide service? Earn some Points.
Want service/goods? Pay by Points.
Points become money,a Turning Point.

Also in US, not so long ago,
Home became a good thing of the old.
Car becomes many's 'home' I was told.

In UK, just learnt fact of cold,
Living Standard, 90 years backroll!
Showing WWIII has really taken its toe.

Every country from hot to cold,
Every person from young to old,
Asked why QEII not making economy grow?

The only thing continues to grow,
Is FEAR in every household.
As Money & Food harder to get hold.

And FEAR Pushing Gold.
Gold no longer is just a Commodity.
No longer just an Investment Necessity.

Gold is Money.
It was then before we created Money.
It is now after we massively printed Money.

Go Back to the Old Days, the Old Way

Friday, April 8, 2011


ECB has acted Responsibly,
Raising rate Accordingly.

US & UK has to act Sensibly,
Combating Inflation Gradually.

Food, Petrol all rise Endlessly,
Causing pain to many Badly.

Can leaders handle issues Effectively?
Bringing back Stability Promptly?

Leaders seldom act Unselfishly,
Messing up Completely!

One should start thinking Logically,
Buying Gold Carefully.

Observing Meltdown Quietly