Saturday, August 27, 2011


33 years ago.
Could you remember things that old?
Could you imagine how prices grow?

Just to give you an idea,
How most haven't got basics clear,
Being misled to think Gold's too dear.

Just in 24 years,
A house bought for HK$670,000
Now is HK$3,300,000 - 500% rise!

Just in 5 years,
A house bought for £60,000,
Becoming £180,000 - 300% rise!

What about the price of beer?
The price of pea or tea?
How much they've risen over 30 years?

Everything had risen dramatically,
So you think Gold had its rally?
When it was once US$800 only.

It was back in 1979.
When most bankers didn't lie.
When most enjoyed life.

33 years on,
Gold still < US$1900 an ounce today.
There must be something wrong.

Just use a normal 300% adjustment,
Gold should be at US$2400 this moment,
That doesn't factor in the historical moment.

Like the Collapse of Euro,
Like the Collapse of US$ note,
Like the Collapse of, you know, System.

Gold is the Way to Go

Monday, August 22, 2011


Had dinners with HK friends.
I'm one of their 'Loyal Fans'.
They've shown me, 'Yes, I can'

Some've it & rising through Promotion.
As High as if there's No Career Limitation.

Some've it & making it through Possession.
As Often as if there's No Hse Price Correction.

Where I've my Ambition & Vision.
Where I've my Most Satisfaction.

Against All Odds,
Often surprise us all.

For a man of not having many,
My Reward is NOT about Money,
But about my boys having a Meaningful Life Journey.

Winners Come in Many Forms

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hong Kong

Hong Kong.
Where I'm now staying.
Where history is often in the making.

'Laissez-faire' was most interesting.
A city now has the most high-rise building,
Most Millionaires per square mile - last checking.

I stopped by Tsim Shui Tsui yesterday.
Saw long queues every where.
Not for bus, not for free samples but for....

Getting into LV, Channel, Gucci, Prada...
Not seen this before in any city of another.
I heard the following words from a father.

Speaking to his teenage son,
'Queues, in the West, are for Benefits,
But here in HK, they're for Brands'

I went to the nearby shopping mall.
Saw crowds coming from directions of all.
Not seen this before as far as I can recall.

There must be something very wrong.
The East is printing money like the West.
How come East's Booming, West's Busting?

Is it because the Ultimate Meltdown...
To be bursted in the East?
Currency? Property? Or just NO EYE SEE!

One Can Delay but Cannot stop the Unavoidable

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I Love Australia.
Where I'd lived for almost 4 years.
Where I'm now having a family holiday.

Love its Space.
Love its Sea.
Love its Peace.

Took over USA 2 years ago.
New House has the Largest floor area.
House price 3 times of USA's average.

I Love UK.
Where I'm now living with my family.
Where I used to live in 80s & 90s.

Love its Education.
Love its Location.
Love its Tradition.

Keeping its own currency.
Depreciation keeps it surviving.
House price still needs more correction.

I Love HK.
Where I was born.
Where I grew up,'mess up',work my way up.

Love its Edge.
Love its Efficiency.
Love its 'Lost in History'

Embracing West with an Eastern Touch.
'Like No Tomorrow' gives it Magical Touch.
House price really, totally, Out of Touch!

Investment is really about Sentiment.
Invest in something that you really Love.
Something, sometimes, you've Good Memories.

Have you found your Love, my Love?

Investment is Blind