Friday, December 23, 2011


Uncertain Times demand Unusual Thinking.

It's been asked,
With every country's unemployment rising,
With every government's finance sinking;
With every family's budget stretching,
With every person's hope fading.
What's soon to be happening?

It's been questioned,
Investors picking Real commodity,
Riches buying Real property,
People suffering Real poverty;
Politicians grasping Real opportunity.
What's the future will be?

I've been watching,
USA's troops leaving Iraq's territory,
UK's warships departing Afghanistan's border;
Russian tanks leaving Chechnya's sovereignty,
NATO's planes departing Libya's quarter,
Is this a sign of 'War is Over'?

I've been thinking,
No Real solutions discussing,
No Real future appearing;
There is a Real Chance developing,
That a Real War is planning.
Not When But WHERE is soon starting.

Growth By Death, Killing to Recovering

Friday, December 16, 2011


Yes, it's always very hard to be '1'.
Not beating others to be the 'No.1',
But breaking away from others,
To be the ONLY 1.

Imagine you're a young teen,
Part of a football team;
When 10 others wanting to drink so keen,
Could you say 'No' & throw a vodka into a bin?

Imagine you're a young man,
Part of a local band;
When 5 others wanting to celebrate weekend,
Could you say 'No' & throw a drug out of tent?

Yes, it's always very hard for UK,
Part of the EU that's never been OK;
To be the ONLY 1 against all other member states,
Saying, 'No more to say : we don't want to stay.'

Yes, it's even harder for you to stay awake,
Part of you saying risks are there to take;
To be the ONLY 1 against all other panic,
Saying, 'No need to sway : we soon see the magic.'

Magic Moment, Any Moment

Friday, December 9, 2011


Let's do a recap on Wars.
Helping us to see through all,
And to make the next investment call.

WWIII- Regulation War(against speculators);
WWIV - Currency War (devalue to get orders);
WWV - People's War (against governments).

Now, the WWVI.
A remake of WWII, making everyone sick.
History repeating itself & noone can fix.

Europe at War.
German Chancellor becomes the Winner of all.
A French Kiss, a British Kick make her Tall.

She's achieved what Hitler couldn't,
Without using 1 bomb, 1 gun, 1 plane,
Making Europe falling into her plan.

Europe is now speaking German.
And the French Sarkozy is its Hitman.
Shooting down the Veto British Cameron.

Let's not forget the ending of WWII.
And of course the WWI's too.
Which is the ultimate winner of the two?

Like before,
German now makes gain initially in this WW,
But,it'll be Britain finally wins this War.

I've mentioned many times before,
Euro WILL fall,
Britain was right to make that call.

Everything Going Backward

Friday, December 2, 2011


Saw a documentary the other night.
Reporting 2 authors making it big;
Who got the success formula right,
Making millions like piece of cake.

They look like gangster to me,
Every action is about money only;
Ripping off others is their key,
Fooling many like daylight robbery.

In their eyes, you see Greed,
In their talk, you hear Money, Money;
Nothing wrong if their sharing is real,
See it & don't make your call lightly.

They know it's NOT just about Mindset,
Still ask many to do Simple Mind Exercise;
Things happen only if Everything is Set,
Or one's to throw their time & money to sea!

Big Success is rarely in open circulation,
But will come for those Work Hard, Save Hard;
With a Kind Heart & working for Perfection,
For those never give up, never think Life is hard.

Success never comes Easy