Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The 3rd day of Chinese New Year of Dragon.
My Boys may want it named Year of Eragon.
My Wife wishing me never to become Arrogant.

Bosses love new year to be certain.
Because they want more profits as constant.
They're ready to sack anyone is incompetent.

My Boss always says,
'People need to die Twice'
Because they need a 2nd chance to be wise.

Value what are important in Life.
Spend more time with husband or wife.
Eat healthy food, exercise more & less wi-fi.

My Boss also says,
'People need to have children Twice'
Because they need a 2nd chance to be nice.

Focus on the most relevance.
Help children discovering their own talents.
Help developing PET,Persistence, Excellence, Tolerance.

Stimulated by my Boss,
I have to say with a good cause,
'Investors need to lose Twice'

Learn NEVER trust anyone with conflict of interests.
Learn NEVER assume Past to repeat 100% in Future.
Learn NEVER invest 100% capital in one adventure.

I was thinking to ask my Boss,
If 'People need to marry Twice' at all.
But then I decided not to make the call.

Because my Boss is actually..... my Wife.
And she is always Right.
If I've a wrong idea, she's 100% to KILL me Twice!

Learn from Mistake - Not everything has a Retake

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Chinese New Year getting near.
You're on the 5th gear,
Racing for Success without fear.

But, what exactly is 'Success'?
Just give it a rough guess?
Or give examples to explain best?

Success as a student.
Beating those educated at Eton,
Getting A* in every examination?

Success as a worker.
Beating those hired by competitors,
Becoming the most wanted director?

Success as an investor.
Beating those lured by big players,
Securing a better return over years?

What's the Ultimate Success in Life?
What would it be like?
Happy, have Peace, nothing to Fear?

Greatest Success Coming from Your Heart

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The Stage is set.
Not for Euro but now for US.
For its all that important attack.

As plainly as everyone can see.
US's carrier has been near Iran's sea.
Warning 'Don't be silly or you'll see!'

US's economy is to get worse.
As nothing tried last 4 years works.
More & more asking, ', What?'

One of the remaining options,
For the Incompetent, Greedy politicians,
Is to create a Regional War Tension.

So that everyone shifts their attention.
From home situation to overseas dictation.
Forgetting Inflation & own Desperation.

Is this War about Ideology or Money?
Or about proving Superpower the Only?
Who're to benefit from this War Tremendously?

Those Want More Want A War

Monday, January 2, 2012


New Year, New Thinking.
How're things in Life Working?
One may start asking.

Could anyone Guarantee a Relationship?
The Romance never sinks like a ship.
Couple never fight for child's Guardianship.

Could anyone Guarantee a Job?
Most countries with a 10% unemployment across board.
23 chasing 1 simple job, the highest on UK's record.

Could anyone Guarantee a Real Return?
Claiming profit can be made even in downturn.
When in fact it's Fund Managers get what they want!

One Guarantee in Life is,
Fund Managers Guaranteed with Fees.
Making money by benefiting from investors' Fears.

Another Guarantee in Life is
Failure/Loss if accepting everything as it is,
Believing everything everyone says!

Liars Give You Nightmares