Sunday, December 30, 2012


Same report in a newspaper.
Does it mean the same to the twin brothers/sisters?
Or they make different conclusion from each other?

A report claims Spain's house price gets more frightened.
Will both buy in Spain as they think it's at rock bottom?
Or 1 to buy in London as many see UK a 'Safe Heaven'?

A report claims many people soon can't afford a pension.
Will both buy utility shares (basic need) as a precaution?
Or 1 to buy train shares as many working in far destination?

Same Facts, Different Acts
E :

Sunday, December 23, 2012


The world has not come to an end.
We can now celebrate X'mas with friends.
And use remaining 8 days to make a plan.

2012, what a year to remember.
Share prices on a roller coaster,
Facebook, Apple etc. hurt some investors.

Greece, Portugal caused some panic.
Spain, Italy also getting worse economic.
France, Germany & UK to fall any minute.

'Fiscal Cliff' deadline in US is getting near.
But a definite deal has yet to come clear.
'No deal' is to cost US & the world very dear.

China has a new leader.
But tension with Japan is getting higher.
Is a war to start any sooner?

Middle East is always a time bomb.
Anything happens there will soon hit home.
More nations are soon to become 'war zone'?

Is Euro soon to be rejected?
Is Gold soon to fly high like a jet?
Is RMB to rise/fall as much as it can get?

Or something totally unexpected to take place?
Causing most to lose money in every case?
And making many to completely losing faith?

An Ending starts a Beginning
E :

Sunday, December 16, 2012


In politics, there is no Right or Wrong.
Most politicians tend to 'go along',
To please fund donors before money is gone.

How many innocents being killed in America?
A long long list as far as I can remember.
But noone stands up to 'gun industry' big brother;

In finance, there is no Right or Wrong.
Most bankers just want to keep on & on,
Continue 'Miselling, Manupulating' etc. Con.

How many victims being ripped off in Britain?
Consumers' protection is always insufficient.
Criminals fined only as noone ever put in prison;

In you, is there Right or Wrong?
Do you just think of profit all day long?
Principles, Values, Moral are all foregone?

Inside us, there is an angel & a devil.
It's up to us to decide which one to follow:
Be kind & happy or be selfish with sorrow.

There is Good or Bad, There is Right or Wrong
E :

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Accused of not lending as much as they can.
Pushing home buyers, entrepreneurs to dead end.

Blamed for causing the current Big Bang.
Packaging toxic mortgages as AAA bonds back then.

Broken to ensure they are in power again.
Damaging peace, wasting money, losing every friend.

Deployed to disperse demonstrators every weekend?
Keeping corrupted, incompetent PM to stay in No. 10?

Greedy Parties > Global Instabilities > Investment Uncertainties
E :

Sunday, December 2, 2012


The current Greatest Depression has made history.
Causing billions to suffer a never-ending misery,
Breaking something we've known for centuries.

The break-up of Relationship.
Little money leading to extreme hardship.
Making once happy couples to end their friendship.

The break-up of Class.
Middle Class is disappearing fast,
As they're taxed most and working longer hours.

The break-up of State.
Wealthier regions demands more say,
Wanting to be fully independent one day.

How the break-ups are to affect your investment?
To your plan for retirement?
To your happiness at this very moment?

Does Break-up = Breakthrough?
E :

Sunday, November 25, 2012


What has been happening in Greece,
Putting everyone in Europe in fear,
Asking, 'What the future is for me?'

Greece cutting pensions and wages,
Many have not been paid for ages,
Strike, March, Riot now on front pages.

Almost all Greeks now have little money.
Some women have to sell their body,
To ensure food is there for the family.

Some men return old home in farmland,
As they can no longer afford City's rent,
And need to cut back as much they can.

Be prepared for a Euro without Greece,
The reason is simple and clear,
To survive, a state needs its own currency.

No Own Currency, No Flexibility, No Recovery
E :

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Old problem was expected to go away.
But it came back in the worst possible way.
The Conflict between Palestine & Israel.

Old enemies fighting for many years.
Upsetting both sides with many in tears.
Everyone wonders will there ever be Peace.

This times the threat is Real,
The biggest tension has been built,
An 'all out war' is what everyone can feel.

Are things to follow the Old pattern?
Oil price shoots up to heaven?
Gold becomes the safest investment?

Old Problems settled by New Weapons?
E :

Sunday, November 11, 2012


What just happened in USA,
Is soon to spread its way,
As plenty trying to keep their faith.

The faith that a government will save them.
Will house them, feed them & give them...
Everything they need to support them.

The fact that plenty vote for a government,
Keep printing money, keep handing out money,
Is slowly but surely creating the biggest worry.

Higher tax rates need to be raised.
More people have to be taxed.
And more talents will soon be emigrated.

With clear intention of most Western governments,
To actively hunting 'Tax Avoiding' establishments,
And to create a Higher Tax environment,

To ensure the policticans could find the money,
To spend to keep the poor majority happy,
So as to keep themselves in power for eternity.

How is this to affect your investment?
Tiny return from investing in West at the moment.
Is looking East a safer bet without argument?

The Trend is Changing, the Balance is Shifting
E :

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Within a week I saw this '19' number,
Appearing twice in a national paper,
Reminds me something that I always remember.

Panasonic's share dropped by 19% in one day,
Facebook's share rose by 19% in another day,
Something that happen more often every day.

It's just a reminder of what investment is about :
What once was 'In' can now become 'Out',
What used to be 'Good' can now become 'Foul';

Also, prices now move very quickly,
Rise/Fall can be very dramatically,
Leaving you full of regret and to suffer badly.

19 NOT 90 - No Long Term but only Fast Turn
E :

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Seize the moment if you're a lover,
Seize the bargain if you're a shopper,
Seize everything if you're a Councillor!

Plymouth Councillors gave themselves a pay rise,
A 20% increase causing everyone's temper to rise,
The unemployed, minimum-waged asking 'Why?'

A Lord Peer suggests anyone at retirement age,
Has to work as volunteer to get basic pension paid,
Though he retired at 53 with a public pension of £120K!

Councillor, Peer, MP, Prime Minister etc. etc.,
All are Politicians and always want Extra,
Even when everyone else has nothing but to suffer.

Politicians are Profiticians,
Because most of them have the same ambition :
Big Profits for themselves, their family with every action.

Politicians are Fooliticians,
Because most of them have the same intention :
Fooling others that more Europe integration is the solution.

Politicians are here fr a reason,
Not to solve the global financial crisis in question,
Not to reduce the government deficit situation.

They are here to ensure their own interests are advanced,
To ensure More Crisis is coming around,
To ensure More Power is seized to seize more Sterling Pound!

Seeing is Believing, Seizing is On-going

E :

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I once asked a HK Millionaire for a suggestion,
'How to become a Millionaire?' was my question.
He replied with a smile & without any hesitation.

'Only a million? Well, one can just save it.'
He's right - I saved it but subsequently lost all of it.
But now, amusingly, I'm having it.

Well, in a way.
Because I now have some good days.
My younger boy passed the 11+ the other day.

Will attend a Top 1% school in England & Wales.
A private school with similar academic results,
Often asking £15,000 a year without doubts.

So, for 7 years of secondary education,
I am to save myself a fortune,
About £105,000 in total is my estimation.

So, a Profit isn't just about how much one can Make,
But also about how much one can SAVE.
Big fees eat your profit & make you a slave.

See below how big fees give your advisor living on a high,
How the hidden fees make your blood running high.
Perhaps it is about time you say to them, 'Goodbye'.

Save Your Hard Earned Cash for Yourself
E :

Sunday, October 14, 2012


U for Unique.
This 'X Factor' proved to be Timeless, Priceless.
That everyone loves and admires its Greatness.

So, why John Lewis can make it,
When most High St retailers suffering a hit?
Unique Model - every staff a shareholder - isn't it?

So, why Marks & Spencer starts a bank,
When most High St banks closing branches?
Unique Model - targets aged 40+ - only the Riches?

So, how are you to find an investment,
Being Unique in its competing environment,
Making it the best bet at the present moment?

So, what is your Uniqueness?
Making you to have Success after Success,
Which seems noone else could possess?

U are the One - the Winner in the Long Run
E :

Sunday, October 7, 2012


One good definition of investment :
'Take calculated risk at a given moment.'
But, did you forget 1 important element?

No. Not performance of companies,
Nor condition of general economy,
Nor guarantee of political stability.

Enemy does not come from 'outside',
The Biggest Threat comes from 'inside' :
Fund manager that supposed to be on your side.

But the never ending/clearly explained charges,
The ever rising spread in buy/sell prices,
Has made your tiny return looked ridiculous;

Worse still with some 'greedy gamblers',
Risking your cash for their BIG bonus,
Head, they win; Tail you lose as promised.

Why would you trust a manager like that?
As Honest,Competent & SOBER manager is hard to get.
'Be Your Own Fund Manager' is the only way to act.

Too Risky to trust Anyboby

E :

Sunday, September 30, 2012


In UK education,
3R = the following definition:
Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic.

In current desperation,
3R = the below interpretation:
Prices Rise, wages Reduced, security disappeaRs.

In investors' conclusion,
3R = the essential execution:
Review, Reassess, Ready.

Review portfolio every week.
Reassess strategy every month.
Ready to act every time opportunity comes.

3R = dangeR cReates oppoRtunity?

Sunday, September 23, 2012


You see it coming, right?
It could happen any day or night.
I'm sure you've prepared everything right.

A War.
Not a trade war, nor a currency war.
But a real, physical war.

High risk stand-off in South China Sea.
High level accusation in Middle East.
Disaster is coming for everyone to see.

Are you surprised at all?
Politicians are to make the call.
So that they can stand tall?

So that they can shift your attention.
Hiding their incompetence in dealing any situation.
Enabling them to continue expanding connection.

Prices are rising.
Hopes are fading.
Politicians are doing everything.....for own gaining.

What should one be doing?
In the current climate of war building.
How to avoid being a victim of others' failing?

I've been doing a few experiments lately.
Using a pen & paper to pretend investing heavily.
Betting on Gold & NZ$ continue their recent rally.

Sell them on paper when a war is started,
Somewhere on this planet.
To see if I could get some paper benefits.

War costs Everyone - be the Cautious, Clever One
E :

Sunday, September 16, 2012


'The Truth has to come out' I always believe.
Do you think politicians are as keen as me?
If so, I'm afraid you're quite naive.

Most politicians are good at telling 'Half Truth',
'Selected Truth', 'Nothing EXCEPT the Truth',
Some even go as far as Manufacturing 'Truth'.

5 years on,
The Recession has not gone,
Hopes and Dreams have been torn.

Go out & have a look around.
Every week more shops are closing down.
Every month more unemployed wandering in town.

With unemployment keeps rising,
Household bills keep rocketing,
More pensioners carry on working.

Who has the spare cash for saving?
Where to get the fund for investing?
When the majority in most countries are suffering.

The Truth is,
'Professional' Politicians are enjoying themselves,
Generous all paid for privileges are for noone else.

So, they're Obliged to tell you things will get better,
Or they can't stay in their offices for another winter,
All these Selfish, not once having a REAL job Liar.

The Truth is,
Retirement soon ceases to exist,
Investment is only a game for the Elite.

Truth Hurts but Prevents Disaster to Re-occur
E :

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What If

British tourists were killed inside their car in France,
A family was targeted in this sinister crime.
A tragedy reminds me what I aways have in mind.

Hitmen thought they'd done a perfect execution.
Policemen thought they'd done a good investigation.
None thought a girl hiding inside the car in desperation.

A classical example of 'Jumping Conclusion'.
Everyone involved not asking the big question,
'What if I was wrong in my Assumption?'

Hitmen Assumed they'd eliminated all.
Policemen Assumed no lives would be spared at all.
The same mentality in investment is costing us all.

Have your advisors jumped Conclusions lately?
Based on those wrong Assumptions regularly?
Resulting in big loss to you regrettably?

What if you're All Wrong?

Sunday, September 2, 2012


With the current never-ending Global Depression,
And the High Commercial Rental without question,
I was in HK to see shop owners in action.

A high st. Chinese cafe was open 24 hours a day.
Yes, no closing time for any night or day.
Nor was there any rest day.

A Korean BBQ cafe in a busy shopping centre.
Determined to increase revenue during rush hour.
Asking customers to finish a meal within 3/4 of an hour.

Never seen this in my life before.
But, should we be surprised at all?
Business is not as usual as we recall.

Every one has been rough for a long while.
Every firm has been trying to Survive.
So, how's this to effect what you're to buy?

Gold Survives the Bad Times, Every Time
E :

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Finally, time to return UK.
After working 5 weeks in HK.
Somehow feeling that something isn't OK.

My contracted employer gave me nice accommodation,
A 4-star hotel in HK giving me great satisfaction.
Though some Mainland China tourists not giving consideration.

'No Smoking' sign everywhere in hotel, in lift, room etc.,
But they still gathered in corridor/room to smoke together.

Loud talking, noisy walking in corridor at midnight,
Waking many up & almost wanting a fight.

Spitting into a decorative ornament in the lift lobby,
Upsetting everyone, asking, 'How could this be?'

If these Mainland Chinese tourists,
Representing the all that important 'Middle Class' Spirit,
The Chinese Miracle is soon.............. finished.

Because they're ISA - Not Individual Saving Accounts in UK,
But stand for Ignorant, Self-centred & Arrogant.
A place with No Discipline is..... UNinvestable.

Feeling UNusually Good for being a HK Chinese

Sunday, August 19, 2012


A period that most men having a crisis in identity.
Wanting so much to prove to his enemies & family.

Wanting so much to set up a new business,
Showing everyone that he's deadly serious,
In his big search for big successes.

Though he hasn't got any relevant experience,
Not having any known/hidden talents,
Not knowing how to tackle basic cost problems.

There could be only one outcome.
The new business has little income.
So, everything is back to square one.

50 business go down in UK everyday.
It's about time to see money in a new way.
Avoid Adventure can keep you surviving many days.

Tough time demands Alone time.
Quietly think things over and to remain Clam.
Never rush to be a boss with mountains to climb.

Never rush to invest due to fear of inflation.
Because one mistake will cause your extinction.
Opportunities are coming for those have Patience.

40 something Fate
Waiting 40 years for THIS occasion
E :

Sunday, August 12, 2012


You may be thinking,
When will we see Recession's ending?
When will everything be 'Normalising'?

I'm still thinking,
Something else really beyond believing.
Why is HK property price still rising?

What's Beijing thinking?
House price in other countries falling,
But in HK it's still rising & rising.

To give you a better understanding,
Let me share with you what was happening.
My story of HK property selling.

Sold a property at around HK$1 million in 02.
When I bought it in 8/97 for my parents of two,
Also for my future retirement too.

I bought it at around HK$1.7 million.
So I'd a loss of over half a million.
But, today the same house asking...HK$4 million.

You could be shaking your head,
Thinking it must have been mad.
How could house price rise just like that?

Yes - 400% rise in 10 years!
No - No tears, no fears?
May Be - finally, everyone wakes up to Reality?

Just Think : You Change, I Change, House Price Has to Change
E :

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Many say, 'It's the Death of Share'.
Not worth buying due to big fluctuations hard to bear;
Not worth holding due to tiny return everywhere.

Some say,'It's the Death of Democracy'.
No government is doing what it's supposed to be;
No greedy politician/banker being punished by any policy.

I say, 'It's the Death of Mediocrity'.
Noone has a good future if they just copy silly majority;
Noone has great success unless they've a Speciality.

Money Talks.
Money Walks.
Money Comes for those 'Self-improving' never stop.

Dead End for those Seldom Plan
E :

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Leaving UK for HK.
For a 4-week working holiday.
And also to get myself the latest update.

To see & feel if Asia is still booming,
When most of Europe are busting.
How I can continue with safe investing.

On the plane, pilot confirmed my flight was full.
When most European airlines struggling through,
As many see 'Minimum Flying' as a saving tool.

Off the plane, long queues at Immigration.
As most were only in HK for transition,
They're Mainland China's mass student population.

On the streets, at the malls,
People still spending but not spending more.
Places are less crowdy as they were before.

Reminds me of the Japan in the 80s.
Japanese buying anything that they're pleased.
But its economy is not what it used to be.

All eyes are now on China.
Will it be the next CRASH Factor?
Turning the financial world upside down like no others?

When Miracle No Longer Possible

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Is it due to the weather?
We British seem to behave like no others.
Don't seem to have a Plan A or Plan B either.

British weather is always Unpredictable.
So, what's the point of planning the 'Unplanable'?
Just hope things work itself out whenever possible?

7 years of planning.
2 weeks before opening.
London Olympic makes everyone laughing.

Private firm couldn't provide enough security.
In 1 case, only 4 out of 56 reported on duty.
So, Government called in More military.

Opening Ceremony cut short by 30 minutes.
Half a million unsold tickets nobody needs.
Our Olympic is really unique.

Immigration now joining the game,
Announcing strikes near this weekend.
Typical 'No Planning, Only Panic' towards the end.

Don't buy a firm because its CEO good at talking.
But not good at delivering.
And only keen on a BIG Bonus taking.

Not Good Words but Great Works that Count
E :

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Saw a 3-part documentary.
About the GFC's devastating effect on 3 countries,
How the 20s becoming 'Victim of the Century'.

The Besieged Greece.
A generation shouting 'Politicans are a Disgrace'.
Everyday, more demonstrating, clashing with police.

The Bankrupted Ireland.
A generation fleeing to OZ -'The Paradise Island'.
Everyday, more picking, leaving their homeland.

The Busted Japan.
A generation depressing due to 'No Happy End'.
Everyday, more giving up, putting their life to an end.

The documentary was 'Coming here UK'.
Do you think only these 3 countries are NOT OK?
It's happening in every place.

What have we learnt from these incidents?
From Greece,
Don't rely on politicians, be Self-sufficient.

From Ireland,
Don't restrict to 1 place, ready to travel any land.
From Japan?

Always learn a language of second,
Think Outside Square to stand out from millions.

As an Investor?
Hold you breathe & cash for later.
There's gotta be another, bigger disaster.

Judgement Day Coming for those Lack Good Judgement

Sunday, July 8, 2012


I can still remember,
They say, 'Diamond is Forever,'
'Is the best friend of women ever.'

True statement but only....
When the Diamond is a jewellery,
Not someone committing 'Daylight Robbery'.

Bob Diamond.
A Rough Diamond?
The 'Very Bad Person' at this very moment.

I can still remember,
His famous self-serving comment was a no brainer :
'The time for apology & remorse is over.'

His arrogance finally gave him a 'Game Over'.
Though he still gets a pay cheque of a million over.
So, what have we learnt from this current drama?

Many W.., I mean, B..ankers are Gangsters.
Working systematically, intentionally in gangs,
Using Lies and More Lies to Ripping Off others.

I can still remember,
I once said to many others,
'W..', I mean 'B...ankers'

'Fund Managers, Financial Advisors,
Are all potentially Big Gamblers,
Taking Huge Risks with cash hard earned by pensioners.

Permitting them to take innocent investors for a ride,
Enabling them to have a luxury lifestyle,
Allowing them to take early retirements in style.

In Investment, Trust Noone except the only one - YOU

Sunday, July 1, 2012


I don't mean the Youngsters,
That have been too well looked after,
Focusing only 'ME, ME', care no others.

I don't mean the 'M'ad 'E'uro,
An obvious Dead End Road,
With member states always in a row.

I mean the 'M'iddle 'E'ast,
With Massacre in Syria has yet to cease,
Does US continue to 'No Eye See'?

I also mean the 'M'essy 'E'ast,
With different warships at South China Sea,
Does US continue to 'Let It Be'?

The world's biggest economy,
Has no job, no hope due to no money,
Getting ready to reclaim its 'Superiority'?

Wars Raise Status, Raise Profits

Monday, June 25, 2012


Is there a Future?
If so, where our Future lies?
If not, who've been telling lies?

Whom would our Future depend upon?
Greedy CEOs wanting millions in bonus?
Dirty MPs claiming unjustified allowance?

The Younger Generation.
And 1 in 5 of them not in occupation.

In Greece & Spain
1 in 2 youngsters are in greater pain,
Simply no jobs for them to aim.

50 years ago,
Many more workers working for the old,
Was about 8 workers for 1 pensioners.

Now, we're getting into a dead corner,
About 4 workers for 1 pensioner.
Soon, it will be game over.

By 2050,
It's estimated ......really scary...
2 workers for 1 pensioner.

Meaning possibly........
No more retirement is a Reality.
Joining record no. of > 65s in fighting poverty.

Future is Bleak as Most is Broke

Sunday, June 17, 2012


The Key.
To Ultimate Fear?

Only Athens.
Or rather everyone?

All ready.
To save economy?

No Question.
Breeding more Revolution?

To hold.
Till you're old?

Money is Paper, Gold is Power

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Yes...I know.
PM means Private Message as you and I know.

Oh...I see.
PM means Prime Minister as everyone can see.

Hm...I feel.
PM means Post Merīdiem as stated in a dictionary.

PM is simply,
Meaning 'Power = Money'.
Nothing Extraordinary really.

So, what David Cameron's famous phrase,
'We're all in this together',
Really means.....

So, what Francois Hollande's new policy,
'Retirement age going back from 62 to 60',
Really means.....

So, what Angela Merkel's recent remark,
'Europe needs a Political Union'
Really means.....

All these really mean More for these three,
Making themselves appealling to those in fear,
Grasping More Power there and here.

Yes, More Power for these Villains,
Then took the chance of once in a billion,
Grasping More Money from victims of millions.

Politicians Love Crisis

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Leaders finally focus on the fundamental.
But can they put the Greatest Depression on hold?

Has anyone seen any?
Is it happening really?

Yes. I see plenty.
The Growth in Unemployment.
The Growth in Debt of Sovereign.

And, indeed,
The Growth in Resentment,
Towards every failing government.

So, what's in for you?
Money no longer seems true.
Growth in money supply make Gold looking cool.

Money is Fake, Gold is Faith

Sunday, May 27, 2012


A Million Dollar Question :
When angry, hungry workers have great determination,
Can they force their boss to act on their decision?

Would the boss then change her thinking,
To give up what she has been doing,
To abandon her plan of cost-cutting?

The Germans, boss of Europe.
Would they do everything to save the Euro?
Agree to issue Euro Bond as other members hope?

The answer you should know.
They aren't to sacrifice themselves to save Europe.

Because the Germans have seen it before.
Hyper-inflation caused much suffering to them all.
So, money printing is not their call.

Because the Germans have done it before.
Cost-cutting caused overall gaining to them all.
So, productivity raising has made them standing tall.

Because the Chancellors have been there before.
Election-losing caused a government to them all.
So, vote gaining at home means whole lot more.

So, Greece, Spain, Italy or France?
Does not stand a chance.
Only the Germany can survive - the one to count.

So, the question should not be the one,
'Is Greek soon to make a run?'
When it should be, 'When Euro will be done?'

The Germans, only Humans, can't save everyone

Sunday, May 20, 2012

No government can have both :
Cutting Deficit & Having Growth.
Because it's simply a 'Mission Impossible'.

No politician can resist to say, 'No',
To mislead suffering majority to get their vote,
By purposely giving them a false hope.

No country can borrow forever,
To over-spend like throwing money into river.
The once seemed never-ending party is now over.

No person can cheer the depressing truth,
What Europe has been going through :
A 'Slow Death' with Euro gone as the next step.

No Way Out gives the Only Way Out

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Every day,
A new problem comes to play,
originating from a problem of yesterday.

Every time,
When a crisis is being hidden away,
It comes back as a bigger crisis in another way.

Every economy,
Is struggling due to no new money,
People begin to see government as the enemy.

Every government,
Is to start some kind of War at any moment,
To avoid being toppled by Anti-government movement.

Every investment,
Is now only for THIS moment,
As things change so fast could ruin your retirement.

Everyone has to Create their Own Hope

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Now has a new President.
Would this Socialist make any difference?

To the French people in waiting.
No more government cutting?
More growth soon starts happening?

To the European Community in crisis.
No more strict compliance?
More grudge against German's insistence?

To the small investors in general.
No more Euro is final?
More panic money to UK's capital?

To the little me in observing.

Another Round of Wealth Changing

Sunday, April 29, 2012


A magical number that one might sigh.
A depressing number that one now may cry.

The Unemployment rate as it now stands,
Smashing Spain like the Big Bang.

The Unemployment rate used to represent,
1930's Great Depression in US back then.

25 years ago.
The seed of Destruction started to take hold.
87 Crash changed everything we're once told.

Everything getting worse every day.
Everyone trying to survive another day.
Do we need another 25 years to see a New Day?

25 Years on, have we got Everything Wrong?

Sunday, April 22, 2012


How do we get into the current mess?
Time to look back & see what we get.
Time too to learn how to avoid more regret.

Too Greedy?
Not just the bankers in the City.
But most of us want much more than necessity?

Too Short-sighted?
Not just the politicians in Westminster.
But most of us wanted money cheaper, profit faster?

Too Naive?
Not just the states regulating committee.
But most of us wanted a 'Never Ending Party'?

Too Late?
Not just the poor in every territory.
But most of us are soon to become a casualty?

Too Much Happened, Too Little Happening

Saturday, April 14, 2012


On stage this summer?

No. It's real life drama.
Happening in Asia.
Becoming headlines in papers.

The Opposition Leader once 'house arrest' prisoner,
Now becoming the biggest political winner.

North Korea.
The 29-year-old, 3rd generation supreme leader,
Now becoming a laughing stock due to launch failure.

The once tipped to be rising to 'Core' Power,
Now becoming a loser linked to a mysterious murder.

Why do the above matter?
All eyes are now in America.
What's on its financial/political agenda.

Just look at the US cool soldiers in South Korea.
Just look at the US hot $$$ in China.
Drama could easily turn into a real Disaster.

One Wrong Move makes us most in Blue

Friday, April 6, 2012


Let's revisit the Cause,
Of the current GFS that costs us All.
Making our living standard continues to fall.

It's the US tumbling property market,
Causing a Meltdown in global financial markets.
5 years on, what do we now get?

More property prices collapse.
Not just limited to US.
But almost anywhere you can guess.

Looking for a cheap property to invest?

Taking advantage of homeowners that are NOT OK?

Making a move in an abandoned development?

Everywhere is the same?
Except HK where the property's still 'in flame'?
But will it soon end like others in great pain?

The once thought to be a Temporary 'Cause',
Now seems to have become a Permanent 'Curse'.
Most to suffer another 20 years before us 'back on course'?

Greed Causes Grief

Thursday, March 29, 2012


= Artificial Intelligence when I's at Essex Uni.
= Accident Investigation when I's at Police Unit.

= Absolute Idiot - how my wife sees my behaviours.
= Arrogant, Ignorant - how I see many investors.

Ignorant as many think they don't need to know.
Know anything about Investment, how politics unfold...
Because they think the 'Expert' should know.

Because they trust the 'Expert'.
Indeed, the 'Expert' should know how to 'Exploit'.
Making profit out of your trust is their greatest joy.

Arrogant as many think they've already known everything.
Because they might have made a profit from the beginning.
Because they think they've found the secrets on Investing.

But 'sometimes lucky' does not guarantee 'all time victory'.
Because Arrogance is the Worst Enemy.
Bringing anyone the biggest defeat & leave them without a penny.

Investment is about Understanding Oneself & Others

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Now, let's count the Human cost.
How 90% of us have suffered at all.
How Life has changed since US Sub-prime's Fall.

As I've repeatedly stated in the past,
States' finance have been deteriorating fast.
Politicians, Senior Servants facing an Impossible Task.

But of course they still pay themselves high,
When 90% of us can only sigh,
When us looking at our bills just want to cry.

Retirement age being raised to 67 lately.
Raised further to 70 soon a reality.
Youngsters have also become a big casualty.

Living cost is getting higher & higher,
How to survive with a budget getting tighter & tighter?
Have you considered relocating like others?

The Spaniards moving to Argentina,
The Portuguese going to Brazil's Brasilia,
And the Yanks relocating to China.

Lowering Cost By Considering More

Sunday, March 11, 2012


It's really funny for the last 18 months.
Same question coming up months after months.
Greece, will it be broke the following month?

Although there's a hair-cut proposal,
Already agreed & signed by Brussels.
But does this mean the problem is to go?

If we look at Greece's debt mathematically,
The question of Default isn't 'Probably',
But rather 'Definitely'.

If a country has to keeps borrowing,
Only for its Debt INTERESTS repaying.
NOT paying any Debt that's still piling.

What do we call this?
Which is still clearly a Mess.
Perhaps, a 'Default Near Miss'?

Funny, we're to see the same issue arising,
For the next few months coming.
Until the Greece finally gets the 'Kicking'.

Until Euro without Greece.
Until Greece starts getting back on its feet,
With a much devalued Drachma re-appearing on streets.

Not Funny when one loses big money

Thursday, March 1, 2012


It's a fact in every industry,
In every country,
Hard to find worker with 'Right Chemistry'.

In a private company,
This means people with the Ability,
To raise Productivity & Profitability.

In a public setting,
This means politicians with the Ability,
To give Peace & Prosperity.

It's a fact in the current climate,
Many firms are forced out of market,
Many states are broke & under attack.

Because it's all Sad, Bad & Mad,
People with Greatest Ability are hard to get,
The Ability to deal with UNKNOWN.

Greed Undermines Ability

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


People in Trouble.
People in Trouble in every place we know.

People in US.
How many of them are Sad?
Couples living underground like rats.
Families squeezing into tiny motel beds.
Many sleeping in any tent they can get.

People in Britain.
How many of them are Frightened?
Youth unemployment hits record a million.
Law to cap benefit payments was beaten.
Small firms are being abandoned.

People in Europe.
How many of them losing Hope?
Greeks simply cannot cope.
Portuguese walking a tightrope.
Spanish empty cities need blessing of Pope.

People in China.
How many of them losing Stamina?
Power struggle seen by politicians in America.
Economy struggles due to fading overseas orders.
Debt Crisis is to cause Global Financial Disorder.

You are Better.
You are Better and More Ready than others.

People Cause Great Pain to Make Great Gain

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I once asked a friend,
A very successful VP by every standard.
A very tricky question,
'Have you ever wondered why someone,
Who are Less Educated,
Less Intelligent, Less Experienced,
Less Qualified, Less Visionary than you,
Have achieved MORE than you?'

He replied without thinking,
And kind of complaining,
'That's Simple,
They just had MORE Luck than I!'
Since that day I've a New Thinking.
About him.
And started to distant him.
Because there was a HUGE gap between us.

Why do people always Complain,
Their Own Failure is due to No Luck?
Their Limited Achievement due to Less Luck?
Intentionally Shifting the 'Blame' to .....
Something appears they've NO control of.
The God, the Fate, the Destiny....
Or the Luck?
When the Cause is Obviously THEMSELVES!

Why do people NOT understand...(don't want to?)
Their Success depends SOLELY on THEMSELVES.
Most people mostly facing Similar Events,
Similar Situations in their Lives.
The Only difference is :
How one deals with each Event/Situation.
So, don't blame Bank Manager, Fund Manager etc.
For losing all your savings in Bad Investments.

If you were him, the following artist,
Would you not be tempted to take the cash then?
All US$60,000 of it.
Or would you try your Luck?
With a bit of Vision & a bit of Patience.
In Trusting yourself, Taking the chance?
Now an Ultimate Winner.
And US$200 Millions Richer.

Just Good Luck?

Hard Luck if you cannot CREATE your Luck

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Another historical moment.
Further gain by the German.
Further Integration of the Europeans.

But,anyone noticed there's something wrong?
The Focus on reduce Unemployment is gone?
Busy in teasing/isolating British 'James Bond'?

Europe is soon to Officially be in Recession.
What's all this talk of Growth Stimulation?
Only Rich/Power move money out in big transaction.

There's not much time left.
Before everyone is to face the fact.
Greece is kicked & Italy can't make a come back.

There's further evidence to act.
Switch currency & buy more gold to protect.
Your Life-time saving, your buying power in supermarket!

Time is Ticking

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The 3rd day of Chinese New Year of Dragon.
My Boys may want it named Year of Eragon.
My Wife wishing me never to become Arrogant.

Bosses love new year to be certain.
Because they want more profits as constant.
They're ready to sack anyone is incompetent.

My Boss always says,
'People need to die Twice'
Because they need a 2nd chance to be wise.

Value what are important in Life.
Spend more time with husband or wife.
Eat healthy food, exercise more & less wi-fi.

My Boss also says,
'People need to have children Twice'
Because they need a 2nd chance to be nice.

Focus on the most relevance.
Help children discovering their own talents.
Help developing PET,Persistence, Excellence, Tolerance.

Stimulated by my Boss,
I have to say with a good cause,
'Investors need to lose Twice'

Learn NEVER trust anyone with conflict of interests.
Learn NEVER assume Past to repeat 100% in Future.
Learn NEVER invest 100% capital in one adventure.

I was thinking to ask my Boss,
If 'People need to marry Twice' at all.
But then I decided not to make the call.

Because my Boss is actually..... my Wife.
And she is always Right.
If I've a wrong idea, she's 100% to KILL me Twice!

Learn from Mistake - Not everything has a Retake

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Chinese New Year getting near.
You're on the 5th gear,
Racing for Success without fear.

But, what exactly is 'Success'?
Just give it a rough guess?
Or give examples to explain best?

Success as a student.
Beating those educated at Eton,
Getting A* in every examination?

Success as a worker.
Beating those hired by competitors,
Becoming the most wanted director?

Success as an investor.
Beating those lured by big players,
Securing a better return over years?

What's the Ultimate Success in Life?
What would it be like?
Happy, have Peace, nothing to Fear?

Greatest Success Coming from Your Heart

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The Stage is set.
Not for Euro but now for US.
For its all that important attack.

As plainly as everyone can see.
US's carrier has been near Iran's sea.
Warning 'Don't be silly or you'll see!'

US's economy is to get worse.
As nothing tried last 4 years works.
More & more asking, ', What?'

One of the remaining options,
For the Incompetent, Greedy politicians,
Is to create a Regional War Tension.

So that everyone shifts their attention.
From home situation to overseas dictation.
Forgetting Inflation & own Desperation.

Is this War about Ideology or Money?
Or about proving Superpower the Only?
Who're to benefit from this War Tremendously?

Those Want More Want A War

Monday, January 2, 2012


New Year, New Thinking.
How're things in Life Working?
One may start asking.

Could anyone Guarantee a Relationship?
The Romance never sinks like a ship.
Couple never fight for child's Guardianship.

Could anyone Guarantee a Job?
Most countries with a 10% unemployment across board.
23 chasing 1 simple job, the highest on UK's record.

Could anyone Guarantee a Real Return?
Claiming profit can be made even in downturn.
When in fact it's Fund Managers get what they want!

One Guarantee in Life is,
Fund Managers Guaranteed with Fees.
Making money by benefiting from investors' Fears.

Another Guarantee in Life is
Failure/Loss if accepting everything as it is,
Believing everything everyone says!

Liars Give You Nightmares