Sunday, October 21, 2012


I once asked a HK Millionaire for a suggestion,
'How to become a Millionaire?' was my question.
He replied with a smile & without any hesitation.

'Only a million? Well, one can just save it.'
He's right - I saved it but subsequently lost all of it.
But now, amusingly, I'm having it.

Well, in a way.
Because I now have some good days.
My younger boy passed the 11+ the other day.

Will attend a Top 1% school in England & Wales.
A private school with similar academic results,
Often asking £15,000 a year without doubts.

So, for 7 years of secondary education,
I am to save myself a fortune,
About £105,000 in total is my estimation.

So, a Profit isn't just about how much one can Make,
But also about how much one can SAVE.
Big fees eat your profit & make you a slave.

See below how big fees give your advisor living on a high,
How the hidden fees make your blood running high.
Perhaps it is about time you say to them, 'Goodbye'.

Save Your Hard Earned Cash for Yourself
E :

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