Monday, January 2, 2012


New Year, New Thinking.
How're things in Life Working?
One may start asking.

Could anyone Guarantee a Relationship?
The Romance never sinks like a ship.
Couple never fight for child's Guardianship.

Could anyone Guarantee a Job?
Most countries with a 10% unemployment across board.
23 chasing 1 simple job, the highest on UK's record.

Could anyone Guarantee a Real Return?
Claiming profit can be made even in downturn.
When in fact it's Fund Managers get what they want!

One Guarantee in Life is,
Fund Managers Guaranteed with Fees.
Making money by benefiting from investors' Fears.

Another Guarantee in Life is
Failure/Loss if accepting everything as it is,
Believing everything everyone says!

Liars Give You Nightmares

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