Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Some friends are still surprised.
By my latest sudden move.
Why returned to UK?
I replied,'Why Not?'

Some said,'UK is really bad at present.'
I replied, 'Same as everywhere.'

Some said,'UK house price is to fall.'
I replied, 'That's good, I'm a Buyer.'

Some said, 'UK could only get worse.'
I replied, 'My NZ$ & A$ could stretch more.'

They never knew that I'd made a Promise.
Made 9 years ago when we left London.
I told my wife back then,
'I promised you, one day we'll be back.'

They never knew that my boy was accepted..
By a Top Grammar School in UK.

Good Reputation is Priceless.
Good Education is Priceless.

So,I made a move 4 months ago.
Returned UK for good.

Made another move 24 days ago.
Started cashing in my A$ for good.

Noone Knows your Circumstances Better...than You

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