Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Will & A Message

A HK friend advised me she could not view the "Million Dollar Traders" link due to HK & Australia are in different regions.

Still, she's found an Alternative Way to view it.

What about you?
Have you found a way to view the programme?

In the Investment World, you HAVE to find a way to get the Information.
Preferably, be the FIRST one to get the information.
And Ideally, Interpret the information Correctly, enabling you to make the Best Decision.

So, have you tried..............


I also got the following E Mail from another HK friend.
Which is very Typical HK one - Chinese + English!
See if you've got the message.

人生 –好笑篇

閉上眼好好 thinking,
人生就像一幅 painting,
點點滴滴如何 coloring,
還看你今怎樣 planning?

有人怨天尤人經常 crying,
有人餐搵餐食掛住 shopping,
有人遊戲人間鍾情 playing,
有人空談理想齋 talking;

也有人永不停步不斷 struggling,
像薛家燕雖然百病纏身令她 suffering,
但為了子女將來的美好 living,
依然不理手術後傷口仍在 paining,
繼續拍劇繼續 working,
令聞者 worrying,
聽者 touching
都說母愛永遠最是 shinning。

當時光列車不斷在身旁高速 passing,
頭上白髮告訴你青春不會 waiting,
你不期然開始 wondering,
為何幸運之神總是未有 coming,
前路彷彿有數之不盡的蕉皮令你 slipping,
成功的燈塔卻遠在天邊未能 climbing,
莫非永遠龍游淺水,就像那條座頭鯨 swimming

想當初百多元買入匯豐當作 saving,
誰知股票竟一再 falling,
怎不教人 shocking?
既然捉不到高位沽貨的 timing,
又經歷身家大縮水的 losing,
開始看透富貴只如天際 clouding,
這分鐘享受 winning,
下一秒卻只有 nothing。

何不找一個陽光普照的 morning,
走到郊外試試 hiking,
聽小鳥無愁地 singing,
看地上蟻群悠閒地 walking,
還有風聲蟬鳴蛙叫讓你 listening;
再放眼 looking,
天上飛鳥自在地 flying,
是不是很好 feeling?

誰說人生 boring?
看大自然的 amazing,
感受活的 pleasing!
來吧! do something!
不要沉迷於 drinking或sleeping,
總有目標讓你朝 running,
哪怕 dying,
哪怕 raining,
信自己是最 charming,
替自己在上預留 booking,
寫下無悔今生的 happy ending!
最後讓我們 ask for God's blessing!

As Long as there's a Will, there's a Way

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