Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Best Buy

The US Government has been a "Shopaholic" for sometime.

Having bought the Largest Mortgage Providers, the Largest Banks, the Largest Insurance Firm, it may soon have to buy the Largest Auto Markers too.

And yet,the US Government seems to have overlooked a Very (if not The Most) Important Buy.

Did anyone remember how speedy the share prices of the above Largest collapse?
Remember how they all started?

Just a rumour that a firm would soon be Downgraded could push the price down by 20-30% in a day!
More when Confirmed.

So, the US Government should have acted NOW, making the Best Buy of the Century - did they not say the current WWIII is an "Once a Century Event"?

Buy ALL the Credit Rating Agencies.

NOT necessary Stopping them from publishing "Downgrade" Reports.
But only to "Reminding" them to publish reports Less Frequently, say like only Once a Year! Allowing More Time to fix up the Mess!

And all these Credit Rating Agencies have been shifting their focus from Firms to Countries.

Imagine UK being Downgraded.
Getting more likely everyday, especially it has managed to have sold only 93% of its Bonds recently - 1st time in 7 years.
And last year, 10 Times More Investment Money was being shifted out of UK than any other period during the last 10 years.

Imagine USA being Downgraded?

Never Say Never, Embrace a New Era

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