Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Winners

Let's look at the Winners.

Many of my friends were not effected in the 97-98 Asian Crisis but get burnt this time;
Some of my friends got burnt during the 97-98 Asian Crisis but not losing this time;
Few of my friends fell on both occasions.
But only two of my friends stand as the "Winner" for the last 11 years!!

One of them is a long time friend of my wife.
She is just a normal, quiet civil servant, knows nothing much about investment.
But yet, her Instincts, Willing to Listen and Act Promptly has made her standing out from countless losers, including some very experienced professional investors.

In 98, I'd urged her to sell her unit bought under the "Home Ownership Scheme" back to HK Housing Authority, as the Authority was Obliged under the Regulation to "Buy Back the unit at the Original Price", meaning even the Market Price was dropped by over 50%, she suffered NO Loss under the "Price Guarantee". She did it.

With the Money got back from the Authority, she bought a Bargain & Bigger unit in a Better area as the housing market was collapsing.

Then in 2007, I visited HK in April, witnessing the Madness in the HK stock market, I then wrote an article in the baby-kingdom website when I later returned Australia (please refer to the First Post of this Blog, titled "The Beginnings"), warning the Greatest Depression was coming. And I'd specifically warned her about the Sub-Prime Situation in US was to have a Dramatic Knock On Effect everywhere, advising her should consider taking actions to protect herself.

She eventually put her house in the market and had it sold in Aug last year at a Good Price - before the HK house price started dropping by 30%. And she is now living in a much bigger, better rental and only 1-minute walk to her daughter's school!

Why she is so "Lucky"??

Because she has been so Kind to her Mother, her Husband and her Daughter.
Remember, "Be Kind and Everything Comes to You"?

She continues giving her Mother Good Pocket Money every month even though her Mother no longer looks after her girl.

She reminded her Husband he could have a Career Break and she could keep the family going on her one wage, when the Asian Crisis had wiped out many jobs.

She has given her Daughter the Best Gift in Life, a younger sister, to ensure she has the Love and Companion.

She always think of her Loved Ones FIRST.
Not thinking about Making Money.

She is a person that Never Complains, Seldom say a Bad Word against anyone and Always Get Up and Do Things.

It is the Dream for every investor to,
"Buy Low, Sell High".
Not only she has done it, she has done it TWICE!!
And a lot of Bargains are now in front of her.
Be it Cheap House, be it Cheap Shares......

So, when I keep hearing people complaining,
"Life is So Unfair"
I can't stop laughing and shaking my head and Almost telling them
(Yes, only "Almost" because I do NOT wish to be hitted!)

"You're NOT even showing some Self Respect by doing your Job Properly - when is the last time you are being Evasive, trying your best to tell customer to "Go Away"?"

"You're NOT even showing Respect for others when pushing everyone out of your way, when you're rushing to office after getting up too late due to all night internet!"

"You're NOT even answering the incoming customer call!"

"You're NOT....................................."

Life is Actually Quite Fair.
Because No Gaining Without First Giving.

Be Kind and Be Happy then Be Rewarded

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