Saturday, January 3, 2009


Form the MRF to what I call the Most Relevant Action (MRA).

MRF now is the Arriving of the Global Massive Unemployment.

Some firms trying to delay lying off staff by first Reducing wages of 4-10% in HK.
(One of the largest employers in Macau has just reduced wages of is staff by about 13%)

Some trying to delay lying off staff by enforcing "Compulsory" "Voluntary" (sound interesting, isn't it?) one day No Pay Leave every week/month.

Some trying to reduce other benefits (e.g. Motorola cut contributions in staff's retirement benefit)

It is estimated 250-300 of the about 800 listed mining firms in Australia will collapse within this year.

And the 100-year-old Woolworth in Britain with 800 stores just collapsed.

Even the once Untouchable IT Giant Microsoft is, for the 1st time in its 32-year existence, tipped to cut its global workforce of about 91,000 by 10%.

More and More Jobs are going every day.

This mean that even the Mortgage Rate in HK is as low as 3.25% now, noone is rushing to buy a property. When only back in early 97, almost everyone was rushing to grab whatever is available in the property market, even though the Mortgage Rate was well over 10%!! (i.e. 3 Times More than Now!)

Because at the time the house price was rising AND HK was almost in FULL employment.

The Same is now applied to UK and US.

It is no longer a Fear but a Reality that people will be fired and in some instance fired immediately.

So, the MRA now is :-

- WAIT for those having CASH in hand.
What appears to be Cheap at present will be Expansive in less than 3-month time.

- ACT Now for those having HK$ and US$ (if NOT already done so as per my previous advice). Any country keeps printing money will ultimately see its currency falling and falling. US$ is no exception, and sorry for HK$ - it is tied to US$.

- ASSESS Now for those having 30-50% Loss in share prices. If they agree with me that share is to fall by at least another 50% from its current level, they should consider selling their shares now and buy them back later at a much lower price.

- MONITOR Now for the Gold Price. Buy when it drops to a certain level (set your Target Price) Because if US New Government can NOT deal with the WWIII Effectively, people will buy Gold for Security. And if the WWIII is dealt with Effectively, then people still will buy Gold for Worrying Inflation is to return due to massive circulation of money generated by the numerous stimulus/rescue packages. In either case, Gold Price will only Rise due to Higher demand.

New Era Demands New Thinking
P.S. Thanks Fiona for your feedback on 31 Dec posted at my 15 Dec post. Trust you'd a Great Start in the New Year.

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