Sunday, January 6, 2013


I looked out my window 1 morning.
Didn't see 1 street was covered in £ Sterling.
So, where exactly massive money going?

£375 Billion of tasxpayers' hard earned money.
Not 1 person I know is given 1 penny.
So, QE wasn't actually helping the bad economy?

I can only see 99% of people are suffering.
Pensioners, Families, Savers etc. all screaming,
As food price, petrol cost never stop rising.

But of course the top 1% only getting better.
As the Power, the Rich, the Dirty coming together,
Ripping off the 99% then living happily there after.

Has 1 single banker being jailed for Mis-selling?
Has 1 single law passed to prevent same from happening?
Has 1 ever wondered how Hedge Fund can win/lose everything?

1 Rule for the Greedy, 1 Rule for the Needy
E :

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