Thursday, January 24, 2013


I'm glad that you know it's coming.
Yes, things only have 2 ways going.
Either Improving or worsening.

We're now worse off than April 2007.
I warned then there's no safe heaven,
The Crisis would hit almost everyone.

Back then China gave the warning sign.
100,000 a day became new shares client.
Nature then punished the greedy & unkind.

6 years on the warning sign is again on.
This time from 'Laissez Faire' Hong Kong.
With the most speculative activity going on.

HK house price has been rising like mad,
Possibly now the most overheated market.
Asking Price rose by 2% in 2 hrs, get that?

It's obvious the Nature is to strike again.
Hitting speculators as hard as it can.
HK/China to cause the next global panicking?

Nothing Can Stop It Coming
E :

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Visited a Sidmouth shop the other day.
Saw, touched & felt the product on display.
Then to buy it from net - the smartest way.

But there's a major problem.
No price on a box of shuttle for badminton.
How would I know if I'd got a bargain?

I thought the shop owner was dishonest.
'No price' practice was a trap for tourists.
But I's wrong as the owner was a genius.

He checked the price for me on his laptop.
NOT against his stock but what the net had got.
Then matched the lowest price & sold me his lot!

Sold cheaper than net's best price was the key.
Saying, 'I'm not going to charge you delivery fee,'
'When you're standing right in front of me!'

Once the UK's most loved sport shop baby.
Gone with its share price not worth a penny.

Once the leader in UK entertainment industry.
Just become another victim in High St history.

The above 2 have failed to tackle the reality.
Failed to follow the Sidmouth owner really :
Change & act strategically against internet rivalry.

So, before investing in a firm/an industry/a country,
Have you examined its Vulnerability?
Can it ride the tides to maintain its Profitability?

Change before being Forced to Change
E :

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I looked out my window 1 morning.
Didn't see 1 street was covered in £ Sterling.
So, where exactly massive money going?

£375 Billion of tasxpayers' hard earned money.
Not 1 person I know is given 1 penny.
So, QE wasn't actually helping the bad economy?

I can only see 99% of people are suffering.
Pensioners, Families, Savers etc. all screaming,
As food price, petrol cost never stop rising.

But of course the top 1% only getting better.
As the Power, the Rich, the Dirty coming together,
Ripping off the 99% then living happily there after.

Has 1 single banker being jailed for Mis-selling?
Has 1 single law passed to prevent same from happening?
Has 1 ever wondered how Hedge Fund can win/lose everything?

1 Rule for the Greedy, 1 Rule for the Needy
E :