Monday, February 21, 2011


I once read a report,
Saying Britons living on support,
By overdrafting credit cards they got.

Because they're NOT giving up,
The Lifestyle they're growing up.
So their debts are piling up.

That's why another Bomb is coming,
Anytime is exploding,
£1.3 Trillion Private Debt still growing.

I now understand why the rate been so Low,
Even though Inflation has taken its toll,
Even though Rate should be raised long time ago!

Rate has been warned will be raised,
Not just UK is on the way.
China,India,Brazil have raised & been praised.

Banks in US, UK, Euro are Hiding Away,
So much Bad Debts day after day.
Rate is to rise to stop Inflation Running Away!

Property price still dropping in US,
UK's will soon be greatly affected.
15-20% fall is the best bet.

What about the most expensive flat?
In Hong Kong or China that now gone Mad?
MINIMUM 20% should I bet?

Nothing is Low Enough

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