Friday, December 23, 2011


Uncertain Times demand Unusual Thinking.

It's been asked,
With every country's unemployment rising,
With every government's finance sinking;
With every family's budget stretching,
With every person's hope fading.
What's soon to be happening?

It's been questioned,
Investors picking Real commodity,
Riches buying Real property,
People suffering Real poverty;
Politicians grasping Real opportunity.
What's the future will be?

I've been watching,
USA's troops leaving Iraq's territory,
UK's warships departing Afghanistan's border;
Russian tanks leaving Chechnya's sovereignty,
NATO's planes departing Libya's quarter,
Is this a sign of 'War is Over'?

I've been thinking,
No Real solutions discussing,
No Real future appearing;
There is a Real Chance developing,
That a Real War is planning.
Not When But WHERE is soon starting.

Growth By Death, Killing to Recovering

Friday, December 16, 2011


Yes, it's always very hard to be '1'.
Not beating others to be the 'No.1',
But breaking away from others,
To be the ONLY 1.

Imagine you're a young teen,
Part of a football team;
When 10 others wanting to drink so keen,
Could you say 'No' & throw a vodka into a bin?

Imagine you're a young man,
Part of a local band;
When 5 others wanting to celebrate weekend,
Could you say 'No' & throw a drug out of tent?

Yes, it's always very hard for UK,
Part of the EU that's never been OK;
To be the ONLY 1 against all other member states,
Saying, 'No more to say : we don't want to stay.'

Yes, it's even harder for you to stay awake,
Part of you saying risks are there to take;
To be the ONLY 1 against all other panic,
Saying, 'No need to sway : we soon see the magic.'

Magic Moment, Any Moment

Friday, December 9, 2011


Let's do a recap on Wars.
Helping us to see through all,
And to make the next investment call.

WWIII- Regulation War(against speculators);
WWIV - Currency War (devalue to get orders);
WWV - People's War (against governments).

Now, the WWVI.
A remake of WWII, making everyone sick.
History repeating itself & noone can fix.

Europe at War.
German Chancellor becomes the Winner of all.
A French Kiss, a British Kick make her Tall.

She's achieved what Hitler couldn't,
Without using 1 bomb, 1 gun, 1 plane,
Making Europe falling into her plan.

Europe is now speaking German.
And the French Sarkozy is its Hitman.
Shooting down the Veto British Cameron.

Let's not forget the ending of WWII.
And of course the WWI's too.
Which is the ultimate winner of the two?

Like before,
German now makes gain initially in this WW,
But,it'll be Britain finally wins this War.

I've mentioned many times before,
Euro WILL fall,
Britain was right to make that call.

Everything Going Backward

Friday, December 2, 2011


Saw a documentary the other night.
Reporting 2 authors making it big;
Who got the success formula right,
Making millions like piece of cake.

They look like gangster to me,
Every action is about money only;
Ripping off others is their key,
Fooling many like daylight robbery.

In their eyes, you see Greed,
In their talk, you hear Money, Money;
Nothing wrong if their sharing is real,
See it & don't make your call lightly.

They know it's NOT just about Mindset,
Still ask many to do Simple Mind Exercise;
Things happen only if Everything is Set,
Or one's to throw their time & money to sea!

Big Success is rarely in open circulation,
But will come for those Work Hard, Save Hard;
With a Kind Heart & working for Perfection,
For those never give up, never think Life is hard.

Success never comes Easy

Friday, November 25, 2011


One Currency.
Those thought it would work must be crazy.

Try having a bed time story.
17 children each shouting to you,'This one, hurry'
So, time spent on arguing & not reading story.

Try having a dinner outside together.
17 guests each pointing at menu,'Not that one either'
So, time spent on eliminating & not making order.

This is just simple logic.
Based on a very simple concept.
More people = more troubles = more upsets.

It would have never succeeded.
1 currency for 17 countries of different needs.
Soon, it is to reach its 'Used by' date indeed.

The Fantasy gives every country a big hole.
No money. No future. No hope.

Big is Bad........ & Hard to Come Back

Thursday, November 17, 2011


With a bigger crisis looming,
To cause more people suffering,
It's therefore worth reminding.

Money does not buy everything,
And best things in life cost nothing.
Family happiness should everyone be aiming.

So, I 'd like to share with you,
A poem that I wrote for my boys & you,
Reminding it's easy for you being happy too.

'Above us,
Only the clear sky with beautiful stars;
Around us,
Only the clam sea with playful waves;
Amongst us,
Only the committed promise with wonderful memories.

If Life is a journey,
Thanks for keeping me company;
If Life is a fulfilment,
Thanks for giving me enlightenment;
If Life is a duty,
Thanks for showing me possibility.

Boys, love seeing your back,
Me, hope seeing you two coming back,
Grandchildren, enjoy kicking on your back!'

(Posted on my Facebook)

Family Bringing Us Together, Enjoying Laughter, Here is Forever

Thursday, November 10, 2011


One by one.
One worse than the last one.
Events hurting almost everyone.

How big is the current Mess?
Not paying attention to the press?
You'll be shocked & out of breathe.

The World's 8th Biggest economy,
Has been shot down by its enemy.
What's to happen with Italy?

The World's 10 Biggest Firm Bankruptcy,
7 happened within the last 3 years,
During this Financial Tsunami or GFC.

Italy will go bust,
'Euro' is a word of the past.
The attackers soon to move fast.

The Next target will be Bigger,
Though most not knowing earlier.
You may as well save a prayer.

South & North, West & East, Fist to Fist

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Greece Prime Minister.
What's he really after?
Playing fire after fire.
Raising stakes higher & higher.

But the powerful Europe lovers,
France & Germany said 'Game Over';
Trying to stop chaos spilling over,
Warning Greece 'It's Now or Never'.

Money has been leaving countries,
In Europe, from Greece, Spain & Italy;
Into buying Central London properties,
Into the more stable Far East.

Just when you think it's a Power Game,
It's in fact a Money Game;
Everything is just a Smoke Screen,
Ensuring the Rich always there to Gain.

Investment always has nasty moments,
Things change in a short moment;
Because someone changes the game rules,
Ensuring it's someone else to lose.

When you next time wake up,
Time might have already been up,
For Greece and the Euro.
What's to happen to the price of Gold?

As Good As Gold

Friday, October 28, 2011


I'd said it long time ago,
WWIII-V making our lives cold;
German Chancellor warned days ago,
More 'Bail Out' or Peace to go!

She stressed War could be Inevitable,
If Euro NOT protected as soon as possible;
But, the Rescue is a Mission Impossible,
As the Deal is simply Unaffordable.

War is happening at home.
'Occupying Financial Centre' in Rome,
In UK, HK, SK.
Getting More Momentum every day.

With all these problems looming,
Economies can hardly be growing;
So who's to buy your holding?
How're you to make profit-taking?

Especially when all the babies,
Born after War from Mid 40s;
Are now becoming pensioner,
Just in time to retire 1 after another.

Sellers > Buyers

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Saw a documentary last night.
A tiny thing may travel faster than light.
Is the Greatest Formula of all time,
Has finally past its 'Used By' time?

E = MC2.
Are we going back to the square?
Or are we getting to the truth closer?
Making all of us a winner?

What's the Winning Formula for Investment?
Enabling one to have Early Retirement.
Or at least, have more Happy Moment.
Where could we get the Enlightenment?

Understanding Yourself = a 'Sure Win';
E = MC2
Can help you to understand Life's Fair.

E = Earning
M = Maximising
C2 = Calmness & Caution
The Winning Combination?

Life has a Pattern - so is Investment

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Everyone seems to be at lost.
Where the world is heading for.
How much the current WWV would cost?

Jobs are lost,
Patience are lost.
Confidence are lost.

Worst of all,
Another generation is lost.
No Present, No Future for all.

25%-50% Youth Unemployment is Not O.K.
But it's happneing Not just in UK.
It is Everywhere including USA.

If the Young cannot find a job,
If the Old cannot retire from a job,
Where's Money needed to invest & create job?

No Tax paid.
No Pensions paid.
No Future laid.

So, WWV has to be fought on & on,
Citizens Vs governments on the Wrong.
More unrests are to come along.

So,how does an Unstable Environment,
A generation out of Employment,
A generation being denied of Retirement,

Effect the return on your Investment?

Minimise Mistakes, Minimise Costs

Friday, October 7, 2011


Saw an interview sometime ago.
Amusing to hear what he'd told.
His Honesty as good as Gold.

Markets fell like mad.
Asked if it's time to invest.
His advice was to avoid the Trap.

The Interviewer persisted in asking,
If it's time for long term Investing.
He repeatedly said NO when replying.

The UK share index,
He had stressed,
Fell from 7,000 to 5,000 more or less.

Almost a 30% fall,
During a period of 12 years in all.
Long term investment became a dead call.

Reminding the Great Depression Fall,
Causing the economies of all,
To recover only 24 years later in 1954!

A Honest UK Fund Manager,
Warning everyone of the Great Danger.
To me, he is the Best Stranger.

Danger Getting Dangerously Close

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Last week,
US$ coming off its weak,
Gold showing its defeat.
Everything seems to be on retreat.

Since when,
When Markets go up & down,
Your brain goes round & round.
Everyday seems hard to remain Clam.

From now,
Remember what Investment's all about;
Not just for Retirement or This Moment,
But also for Enjoyment, for Every Moment.

Over Weekend,
We watched the Dragon's Den;
We shopped at Exeter,
We dined at a noodle bar.

Life Time,
Is full of Ups and Downs;
Answers come when you lie down,
Relax then everything will be Fine.

Everything is in a Circle

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Markets are in Free Fall.....again.
Enough to temp you again?
And you've forgotten it's a Risky Game?

Read a report in August.
Comparing major US banks' share prices,
Before and now at the crisis.

Prices in Aug 2006 & Aug 2011,
Showing there's not much fun.
A Fall of min 80% for every single one.

So, which bank is to Fall next week?
So, which country is to Fall on its feet?
So, is there any investment a good fit?

We're to see the Fall of Euro.
In slow motion, you know.
The next one to Fall is...oh, No!

Everyone Knows what they Pretend do NOT know

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


They say, 'Preparation is Everything'
I say, 'Visualisation is the Best Preparation'
Helping one to have Dream Realisation.

Planning to move to NZ for a better future,
I looked at the maps of Auckland.
Almost everyday.Then, we arrived there one day.

Planning to return UK for a better education,
I looked at the website of the Grammar School.
Almost everyday. Then, my boy started there one day.

Planning to rent a house for a better lifestyle,
I looked at the photos of the as new big house.
Almost everyday. Then, we moved there one day.

Have you been Visualising lately?
How the current crisis is to end tragically?
And how you're to benefit from it financially?

Better still,
Could you Visualise,
How you could help those being Marginalised?

Big Success comes from Right Mindset

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Capital of Britain.
Beating NY to become World's Best Shopping City;
Beating Paris to become Europe's Favourite Tourist City.

City of Opportunity.
Where people within UK, from Newcastle to Norwich,
Cornwall to Cambridge to meet, work & get rich.

City of Minority.
Where people outside UK, from Poland to Thailand,
Russia to Argentina to meet, work & get million.

Central London is indeed,
City of Property.
Still booming in every possibility.
Invest in 1 should be a Priority.

Global Vision to beat Greatest Depression

Saturday, August 27, 2011


33 years ago.
Could you remember things that old?
Could you imagine how prices grow?

Just to give you an idea,
How most haven't got basics clear,
Being misled to think Gold's too dear.

Just in 24 years,
A house bought for HK$670,000
Now is HK$3,300,000 - 500% rise!

Just in 5 years,
A house bought for £60,000,
Becoming £180,000 - 300% rise!

What about the price of beer?
The price of pea or tea?
How much they've risen over 30 years?

Everything had risen dramatically,
So you think Gold had its rally?
When it was once US$800 only.

It was back in 1979.
When most bankers didn't lie.
When most enjoyed life.

33 years on,
Gold still < US$1900 an ounce today.
There must be something wrong.

Just use a normal 300% adjustment,
Gold should be at US$2400 this moment,
That doesn't factor in the historical moment.

Like the Collapse of Euro,
Like the Collapse of US$ note,
Like the Collapse of, you know, System.

Gold is the Way to Go

Monday, August 22, 2011


Had dinners with HK friends.
I'm one of their 'Loyal Fans'.
They've shown me, 'Yes, I can'

Some've it & rising through Promotion.
As High as if there's No Career Limitation.

Some've it & making it through Possession.
As Often as if there's No Hse Price Correction.

Where I've my Ambition & Vision.
Where I've my Most Satisfaction.

Against All Odds,
Often surprise us all.

For a man of not having many,
My Reward is NOT about Money,
But about my boys having a Meaningful Life Journey.

Winners Come in Many Forms

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hong Kong

Hong Kong.
Where I'm now staying.
Where history is often in the making.

'Laissez-faire' was most interesting.
A city now has the most high-rise building,
Most Millionaires per square mile - last checking.

I stopped by Tsim Shui Tsui yesterday.
Saw long queues every where.
Not for bus, not for free samples but for....

Getting into LV, Channel, Gucci, Prada...
Not seen this before in any city of another.
I heard the following words from a father.

Speaking to his teenage son,
'Queues, in the West, are for Benefits,
But here in HK, they're for Brands'

I went to the nearby shopping mall.
Saw crowds coming from directions of all.
Not seen this before as far as I can recall.

There must be something very wrong.
The East is printing money like the West.
How come East's Booming, West's Busting?

Is it because the Ultimate Meltdown...
To be bursted in the East?
Currency? Property? Or just NO EYE SEE!

One Can Delay but Cannot stop the Unavoidable

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I Love Australia.
Where I'd lived for almost 4 years.
Where I'm now having a family holiday.

Love its Space.
Love its Sea.
Love its Peace.

Took over USA 2 years ago.
New House has the Largest floor area.
House price 3 times of USA's average.

I Love UK.
Where I'm now living with my family.
Where I used to live in 80s & 90s.

Love its Education.
Love its Location.
Love its Tradition.

Keeping its own currency.
Depreciation keeps it surviving.
House price still needs more correction.

I Love HK.
Where I was born.
Where I grew up,'mess up',work my way up.

Love its Edge.
Love its Efficiency.
Love its 'Lost in History'

Embracing West with an Eastern Touch.
'Like No Tomorrow' gives it Magical Touch.
House price really, totally, Out of Touch!

Investment is really about Sentiment.
Invest in something that you really Love.
Something, sometimes, you've Good Memories.

Have you found your Love, my Love?

Investment is Blind

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


It's often claimed,
'Life is a Game.'
Though one's to play it Seriously.
And Sensibly.

The Game just a beginning,
In USA - soon lose its AAA Rating.
No doubt, it's played Dangerously.
And Deliberately.

You may state,
It's always been played this way.
But this time I feel for the Worse,
Like USA been given a Curse.

Investment is about Sentiment,
For this Very Moment;
No doubt, it's getting Closer,
The Moment making billions a Loser.

The Very Moment,
Crashing almost every investment;
No more faith in any country,
Little faith in any currency.

Capturing This Moment

Saturday, July 16, 2011


'Catch me if you can'.
A movie title, attracting prospective audience?
A greedy banker, ripping off innocent customers?
A manipulating speculator,pushing up/down prices?
A failing President, messing around with girls?

Do you need to catch up?
With the latest fast moving events?
The collapse of the Murdoch Empire?
The collapse of the Euro Zone?
The collapse of the US Credit Rating?

You must have seen it coming?
But have you been well preparing?
Who, which, how to make better gaining?
When the collapse getting momentum,
How to make the most of this Golden Moment?

Swiss Franc?
Or Gold?

Or the RMP - still way to go?

Is there a Catch?

Everything is Changing

Monday, July 4, 2011


It's everywhere.
You can see it,
You can hear it.
'Made in China'.

'Made in Britain'?
You can see it on TV,
The Royal Wedding;
You can hear it on CD,
The Queen's singing,
'We will,we will, rock you...'

'Made in America'?
You can see it on TV,
The Raving GREED;
You can hear it on CD,
The Madonna's singing,
'I'm a Ma...Ma..Material Girl'

'Made in Greece'?
You can see it on TV,
The Reoccurring Chaos;
You can hear it on Streets,
The Crowd's Shouting,
'No, No, No'

It's everywhere - Anger.
You can see it - Uprising.
You can hear it - Uproar.
Made by Human - Movement...
Against Self-focused Statesmen.

Crisis Made by GREED,
Worsen by Self-centered

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Why does it matter?
As Bubbles are to burst sooner or later.

Hanging on with little hope.
As record debts hard to cope.

Chinese Premier,
Visiting the Europe now in Fear.
Supporting Euro, avoid it to disappear.

It's NOT a regional problem,
It's NOT a temporary problem,
It's Big problem x Big problem.

Every country,
Has melted into One country.
And the market keeps making History.

Every one,
Falling after another one,
Unless one is Self-Sufficient.

Be it country, be it human.
We're now in another Critical Moment.
Soon after, the target's a surprised one.

Only the Self-sufficient Survive this One

Monday, June 20, 2011


Are you ready?
For another attack from the Greedy?
Betting on Greece to default,
Even with Euro's open conditional support.

Are you ready?
For another Global Chain Reaction?
Exploding into all directions,
Pushing more states to fall in succession.

Are you ready?
For another Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity?
Waiting in a distant, quiet corner,
Buying with your well kept sterling/dollar!

It's indeed getting dirty and messy,
But chance comes only when many are crazy.
Only 1 question should be asked is indeed,
'Are you Ready?'

Countdown to the Meltdown

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I once named the term, MRF,
The Most Relevant Factor,
As the ONLY Factor really matters.

The MRF now is shocking.
Unemployment in every setting :
Youth, Women, Long Term etc. all Rising.

This has almost broken every record.
Never so fast, so widspread on record.
Even once powerful dictators were caught.

Because High Unemployment,
+ High Food/Petrol Price etc. Movement,
Making everyone Anti-government.

Now, Iran is on its nerve,
Syria's event may happen on its turf.
This may lead to Biggest Threat on earth.

The Unrest in Middle East,
+ the Hardlanding in the East,
Could be the MTF at present, at least.

(MTF = Most Terrifying Factor, which could...
Cause an Immediate Global Financial Meltdown)

Waking Up to A New Threat, A New World

Monday, June 6, 2011


What once was Unimaginable,
No longer just becomes Probable,
But is now Unstoppable.

Even a small government,
Which becomes so big,
It's completely lost its direction;

The current big Mess,
Which becomes so Massive,
It's completely out of control.

One has to think the Unthinkable.
Not whether Greece is to default,
But, what words (Restructuring?)be used.

Then, Ireland, Portugal....?
What about Japan...UK...or even..
USA- just been warned of 'Downgraded'?

What about China having a Hard Landing?
Another Meltdown is happening?
With a Long Overdue 'Surprised' rate rise?

Life is sometimes,
'Whatever you want NOT happening;
Whatever you do NOT want keep happening'

Sunday, May 29, 2011

2-Month Notice

Fed Chairman stated clear his view,
Back in April, hinting this time for real.
QE II to finish on 30 June - not to renew?

What'd happen at the end of this 2 moths?
Well, as we speak, only 1 more month!
Are we to experience more dramatic moments?

Greece, then Ireland, Default?
Euro collapses & each says others at fault?
Great Spender Great Britain cannot afford?

Where the world's heading?
When US parties never stop arguing.
How to stop US debt from keep rising.

May be there is a sign of warning?
Commodities Price collapsing but Gold Excluding.
A US State gives Gold back its Legal standing.

My friends, be Careful.
Crocodiles once again become more Tactful.
Well, you're given Notice - don't be Forgetful.

Life is Wonderful if one's Mindful
(Thank you for those sharing with me through my E Mail - please keep sharing)

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I've been Thinking,
What are they Thinking?
Not Heads of Governing or Banking,
But YOU - reader of my Blogging!

I've a good understanding,
On some of the Ranking.
HK 1st, US 2nd, UK 3rd, Holland in viewing.
OZ,Russia,Iran,Canada,Japan,Latvia queuing?

Is it due to,
English being the best communication tool?
Or is it because,
Money brings us together for a good cause?

Whatever your circumstance,
Wherever your residence,
Would you share with me of your reason,
Reading my Blog session after session?

It's a Small world,
And we may make it a Better world.
If you're ready to share Your world,
With me on the other side of the world.

Your Thinking, Reasoning & Sharing
E Mail :

Sharing Thinking before Investing

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Just when you've started to recover,
Hoping that the worst is over,
2nd Wave is getting closer & closer.

The current Mess started in US.
House Price collapsed causing upset.
4 years on, the Fall hasn't took a rest.

UK has 100 homes a day repossessed.
BOE keeping the rate low at its best.
Still, house price to fall as expected.

HK house price?
52%/111% > London's/New York's.
Never seen it so High.

I've said it over & over,
'Good Times' never last forever.
Time for another round of 'Game Over'.

No Eye See

Sunday, May 8, 2011


What does it mean to you & me?

A Respectful Queen?
Visiting HK when I's pre-teen,
Waving Union Jack I's so keen.

A Successful School?
Academic Excellence seen as cool,
Making future leaders from its pool.

A Tasteful Cruise?
Only Rich & Famous served by crews.
Serving Luxury most don't have a glue.

But, to me,
QE is Quick Elimination.
QE I, QE II completed its Mission.

Now, have you,
Got your Best Preparation?
For the coming round of Elimination?

Winners to Take It All AGAIN

Monday, May 2, 2011


How do you deal with the Unexpected?

If you get a Mail from your Old Uni Mate,
Inviting you to attend a reunion dinner,
In 6-month time.
How would you reply?

Would you reply,
(A) 'Both days marked'?
(B) 'Too early to plan, FGS'?
(c) 'Count me in.Love to meet after 25 years'?

I did just that.
Sending an Unexpected E Mail on 26 Feb,
To abt 25 of my Global Old Essex U mates,
Suggesting a meal in Hong Kong on 13/14 Aug.

And I did receive reply.
From three of them.
Replied as (A) (B) & (C)!

The remaining 22?
They probably very rarely being asked.
To plan 6 months ahead for one simple meal.

So, they might just act like the Majority.
Not rushing to act. Not rushing to reply.
Just waiting.

Just like Presidents, PMs, Dept Heads.
When facing with the Unexpected WWIII-V,
Just waiting. Just hoping.

Do you think there's a Happy Ending?
Not my reunion dinner.
But the Global 'Hangover'.

Expecting the Unexpected

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Many call it 'Credit Crunch'.
I often call it 'Credit Punch',
Because it was caused by 'Greedy Bunch'.

How Stupid could it look?
When S & P just put US on 'Negative Outlook'?
When US always has Trillion Deficit Deadlock.

How Impartial could it be?
When Golman Sach advising clients to 'Buy',
Yet it secretly kissing same stock goodbye.

The Problems are always there,
The Greedys are always everywhere,
Now, they're doing it again in open air.

How have you prepared?
When US 'suddenly' being found NO Credit left.
When Chinese RMB 'Free Exchange' not yet there.

Who could you Trust?
What could you Trust?
How long could they delay Bubbles to Burst?

Run For Over, Game Soon Over

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Look at the way things go,
One may sigh & say, 'Oh, No!'.
Everywhere has a big black Hole.

In US, sometimes ago,
Money not easy to get hold,
Points system started to float.

Provide service? Earn some Points.
Want service/goods? Pay by Points.
Points become money,a Turning Point.

Also in US, not so long ago,
Home became a good thing of the old.
Car becomes many's 'home' I was told.

In UK, just learnt fact of cold,
Living Standard, 90 years backroll!
Showing WWIII has really taken its toe.

Every country from hot to cold,
Every person from young to old,
Asked why QEII not making economy grow?

The only thing continues to grow,
Is FEAR in every household.
As Money & Food harder to get hold.

And FEAR Pushing Gold.
Gold no longer is just a Commodity.
No longer just an Investment Necessity.

Gold is Money.
It was then before we created Money.
It is now after we massively printed Money.

Go Back to the Old Days, the Old Way

Friday, April 8, 2011


ECB has acted Responsibly,
Raising rate Accordingly.

US & UK has to act Sensibly,
Combating Inflation Gradually.

Food, Petrol all rise Endlessly,
Causing pain to many Badly.

Can leaders handle issues Effectively?
Bringing back Stability Promptly?

Leaders seldom act Unselfishly,
Messing up Completely!

One should start thinking Logically,
Buying Gold Carefully.

Observing Meltdown Quietly

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Creates Anxiety.
Many struggling families asking,
'What's our Destiny?'

Resulting Anarchy.
Few failing ruling parties trying,
'Restoring its Authority.'

Portugal now has no Prime Minister,
USA has kept changing its Agenda,
UK has another Riot in City Centre.

Blaming every other,
What have you done to progress better?
Surviving disaster after disaster?

Comes from Ability,
To work through Difficulty,
To see through Eventuality.

To change your Attitude.
To then bring yourself Prosperity.

Change Your Attitude, Change Your Fate

Friday, March 18, 2011


Learn from it if you can.
It's to happen somewhere soon again.

3rd Largest Economy in the world,
Hit by 5th Biggest Earthquake of all,
A Tsunami with waves of 33ft tall.

Not the Nature to be blamed,
It's the Government named & shamed,
Its Dishonesty causing all the pain.

It's finally happening,
People Hurting, Rising & Shouting,
'No More Lies. No More Controlling'

First in Tunisia,
Then Egypt & Libya,
Now Bahrain & Saudi Arabia.

The Current War,
Not abt punishing Greedy Bankers,
Not abt retaliating Trading Partners.

But the People's War,
Is abt Governments falling citizens all,
Is abt settling this Once & for All.

More Uncertainty is guaranteed.
More Volatility is here to see.
More Caution is the key.

Investment Flows with Historical Moments

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


In the current mess, who're Winners?
Who else but the Bankers!
Guaranteed by....Shareholders?

Bob Diamond,
Rob many diamonds!
Got bonus over £6 Million!

Even though Barclays,
Has been in focus.
As its share price has dropped,
In ratio, from 100 to 52,
Over a 5-year period;
When FTSE has risen,
In ratio, from 100 to 125,
Over the same period!

Stephen Hester,
Street Robbery Master!
£6m Bonus Package,a Eye Catcher!

Even though RBS,
Was in such a Big Mess,
UK Govt had taken over its Assets.

This's the bankers' Success,
Getting whatever $£ they can access,
Be it in UK, HK or US.

How could you trust them to invest?
When all they did is to get you upset.

Start today, stay away from the Greedy,
And start to manage your own Money.

Trust Noone or You've None

Monday, February 28, 2011


It's in the mind of everyone,
Wondering which is the next One,
Causing the next Global 'Mad Run'

Interest Rate 'Set to Rise' outlook?
US Budget never ending deadlock?
China's property price falling like a rock?

More likely is events happening in Africa.
From Tunisia to Egypt to now Libya.
Soon to streets of Saudi Arabia?

The World's Largest Oil Exporter.
With 20% World's Oil Reserve in its border.
Is Saudia's Monarchy gone like others?

The World's Biggest Oil User.
With the Biggest Arsenal ready to fire.
Is US finally setting a War Agenda?

Is the World ready for War Years?
Iran's fleet entering Canal Suez after 30 years.
North Korea's old dictator in his dying years.

Blood for Oil?
Limited Nuclear War?
Which One is to look for?

Or as usual,
Something Unexpected,
Is to Surprise us Once More?

One Affects All

Monday, February 21, 2011


I once read a report,
Saying Britons living on support,
By overdrafting credit cards they got.

Because they're NOT giving up,
The Lifestyle they're growing up.
So their debts are piling up.

That's why another Bomb is coming,
Anytime is exploding,
£1.3 Trillion Private Debt still growing.

I now understand why the rate been so Low,
Even though Inflation has taken its toll,
Even though Rate should be raised long time ago!

Rate has been warned will be raised,
Not just UK is on the way.
China,India,Brazil have raised & been praised.

Banks in US, UK, Euro are Hiding Away,
So much Bad Debts day after day.
Rate is to rise to stop Inflation Running Away!

Property price still dropping in US,
UK's will soon be greatly affected.
15-20% fall is the best bet.

What about the most expensive flat?
In Hong Kong or China that now gone Mad?
MINIMUM 20% should I bet?

Nothing is Low Enough

Monday, February 14, 2011


My Birthday yesterday.
St Valentine's Day today.

I used to think,
What Life would have been,
Had I been born a day late?
Would I be the Perfect Lover?

I now tend to think,
Would I be the Perfect Father?

But, lately, I also begin to think,
Would I be the Perfect Small Investor?

Every government starts to Panic,
Not only because of the High Inflation,
But also because of the High Tension,
Coming out of Frustration, Desperation..
From its Mass Unemployed Population.

So, I was asked a Million $ question.
How do I invest in the current situation?

As I always do :
Buy something I Need & Love.

Keeping an Eye on £,
Because I need it as I live in UK;

Keeping an Eye on UK Property,
Because I need a place to live;

Keeping an Eye on Gold,
Because I just Love it.
The Colour, The Myths & just...
The Touch.

Can't explain 'Love', can we?

Love Gives the Best Feeling

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Chinese New Year.

Time to plan for the coming year.
Time also to look back all those years.

Life is not just about Money.
But also about Family.
And my Honey - at least for 1 day only!

So, I wrote a little poem,
To live again in the lovely moments.

20th Wedding Anniversary

I thought I was to live alone,
Then suddenly she came along.
Working alongside in her uncle's restaurant,
Love began to secretly grow strong.

Running away from her UK family,
Returning HK to search our destiny.
Things soon started to get nasty,
But we battled on with our unity.

20 years ago yesterday,
We finally called it the day.
Inviting our families & friends,
Witnessing our new phase of Romance.

My Dearest Kathy,
Thank You for the Journey,
Thank You for the Memory.
Let's always be In Love & Happy.

Money Can't Buy the Priceless

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Where's the Peace, please?

Not Govts pretended declaring wars with bankers;
Not Heads threatened starting trade wars with others;
I'm looking at the Social Orders.

I said it sometime ago,
WWIII would soon to take hold;
Now it's getting close,
Closing in those once had strong control.

First was Tunisia's Dictator to go.
Escaping with £2B Cash & £38M Gold!
Financial market? Nothing major unfold.

Now Egypt President is on the line.
Sacking entire cabinet to buy more time!
Oil & Gold price riding on a good time.

So, which country is next on the list?
Though Tunisia & Egypt was on the list,
Supporting China to boycott Noble Prize Elites.

What if there're riots in China,
Demanding a New Government for a New Era,
Just like they did in Egypt & Tunisia?

What would happen to China's Bubbles?
What would happen to Markets Global?
What would happen to your Portfolio?

Things Turn Nasty, Set Your Priority

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I used to think,
Some banks were Too Big To Fall.
Governments had to rescue them,
To save everything from Collapsing.

I now start to think,
Some banks are Too Big To Save.
Governments just can't rescue them,
To save them from Collapsing.

What option can governments now take?
After Manipulating many statistics,
After Raising various taxes,
After Cutting various benefits,
After Printing massive paper money?

Just in UK alone,
3 Banks EACH valued at £1.3 Trillion.
Bigger than UK's Economy!

Just 1 Derivative in 2008,
Lost £600 Trillion.
= 1 year of World's Total Output x 110%!

How many Derivative Loss....
Out there still being hidden?

A lot of Pessimism out there.
I may soon become one Too.

Too Sad to see Too Many being....
Because Too Many were & still are
Too Greedy.

Too Much Unknown causing Too Much Risk

Friday, January 14, 2011


In the Real World,
There's only 1 Rule,
'The Nature Rules'

Queensland becomes 'Wetland',
Brazil's landslide has fallen.
Britain's cold record was beaten!

In the Financial World,
There's only 1 Rule,
'Not Everything following a Rule'

Ever since the Collapse of Lehman,
I've been expecting at any moment,
A Bigger Meltdown in Global Investment.

Triggered off by,
Chinese Property Bubble Burst?
US Bond Bubble Burst?
US Interest Rate Rise First?
Euro Collapses First?

Never Rules Out Anything
Or To Face Losing Everything

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I've been saying,
We're in the New Era,
Should explore investment in new area.

But my wife has been saying,
No more time for wasting,
We should go back to Old Thinking.

30-40 years ago,
When our Mums were not that Old,
They only bought 2 things to hold.
Property and Gold.

So, I've been thinking,
Which one should I go?

But as usual, she wants BOTH!

So, after a nice kitchen chat,
We've finally agreed to do a check.
And discover,
Like Wine, Friends & Lovers,
Old is indeed Better.

New Challenges, Old Methods