Sunday, June 27, 2010


The Reaosn for us working so Hard?
The Reason for us worrying so Much?

Been discussing with friends lately.
Reminding them,
Although Retirement once was a Progression,
(e.g. play, work, retire...die!)
It's now a Priviledge...
And only for a few!

Espeically in the Current WWIII,
Every government starts changing Game Rules,
From OZ to UK,
Lifting the Retirement Age,
Claiming it's for your Own Good!!

So, No More Retirement at 65.
Now, some change to 66,
Aiming at 70 in time.
Just look at UK, 'The Times'
25 June Headline,
'Retirement Age May be Raised...
Every five years.'

Perhaps, one should start to think,
Retirement is NOT about,
Out of Employment;
NOT Worrying about Payment.
But more about 'Enjoyment',
'Enjoy the 15/30/60-minute Moment' every day.

Retirement = Retire from Busy Moment.

Change your Thinking, Change your Fate

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