Friday, December 4, 2009


Chinese always Love the word, "3".

Using it to explain the Nature.
3 Things,
Heaven, Earth & Humans.

Using it to describe the Bad.
The Notorious Gangs.

Claiming that everyone's Future is determined,
When they reach the age of 3!

Loving it for its meanings,
"Lively", "Energetic".

The word can also be used to describe the current WWIII.

3 days ago,
Australia made an Unprecedented Move.
Raising interest rate 3 times in a row!

About 3 years ago,
America's Unprecedented Collapse in Property Market started,
Raising everyone's blood pressure 3 times higher!

Within the last 3 months,
3 Unprecedented Events also happened in America.
Raising serious doubt about the Recovery.

1st event.
A Lady used to use her home to home the Homeless,
Finally became Homeless herself.
After being behind her mortgage payment.

2nd event.
A drop in Home Burglary cases.
So many are out of job & they all stay at home!!

3rd event.
1 in 7 homeowners are now behind their mortgage payments.
The Highest Ever since the record began in the 70s!
Not just the Sub-prime but also the Prime Mortgage in trouble!

If you'd survived the 1st Shock,
Took place in August 07 when the current WWIII began;

If you'd survived the 2nd Shock,
Took place in September 08 when the Lehman Bankrupted;

I hope you're to have the 3rd time Lucky!

Because I suspect another major event is to take place.


Around......3 month time?

Set your Mind Free

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