Monday, December 28, 2009


Record Number of Police on streets,
Making Record Number of Arrests!

Record High Number of Countries,
Attending the Climate Change Conference.
With Record Low Number of Countries,
Making a Non-Binding Accord.

Climate Change,
Nothing Change.
Another Chance for Politicians.......
To have Free Travel, Free Accommodation.....
And Free Lunch!

Even Parents & Children,
Husbands & Wives,
From the Same Family,
Have arguments about......

How could the Narrow-Minded Politicians,
Coming from 193 Different countries avoid Arguing?

Now every country wants it so Badly!

When US$12 Trillions have already been spent,
Trying to contain the WWIII!
The Record Governments Rescue Packages!

When US had to change the law,
Not once but already Twice,
To raise its National Debt Limit to...
Yes, to US$12 Trillions!
The Biggest on Record.

When Wall St had its Worst 10 years on Record,
Ever since the Record started 200 years ago.
-0.5% return between 1999 & 2009,
Even Worse than the -0.3% return between 1929-1939!!

When 1 in 4 US Homes are now in "Negative Equity"
When over 14,000,000 US people are out of job,
When about 6,000,000 being unemployed over 6 months!

What do all these Records mean?

There will be.....

Lots of Big Problems ahead.

But, then again,
Let me put this on Record,

"Big Problems could also mean Big Profits - to some"

Make the Right Moves

Monday, December 21, 2009


There are always Conspiracies around.
Ever since Humans are around.

The Old Conspiracy.
"New Computers do NOT last longer than 3 years"
Because not only it's pre-installed with Operating System,
But also "Timed Virus"?

The Classical Conspiracy.
"Governments do NOT provide Good Education"
Because not only officials do NOT want to be Under Scrutinised,
But also "No Brainy" are easy to Control or Manipulated?

The Latest Conspiracy.
"US is to use Whatever Means to maintain its No.1 Status."
Because not only it's Hijacked Governments holding its Bonds,
But also it now wants More Say even it has Less Influence.

Will the US go as far as starting a War to maintain its No.1?
A War with Iran, North Korea.......?
A Trade War with China?
A Currency War with...every country?

Which's the US No.1 Target?

Do you NOT know?

Did I NOT tell you the NEXT Crash could start in China?

Forbes just listed out 7 Bubbles (NOT Wonders!)in the world.
3 of them are linked to China.

Who's going to make the Bubbles Burst?

Who's going to Suffer?

New Time, New Order

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Did I NOT warn you all that it'd happen?

Did I NOT say it's NO longer about companies...
But Countries?

Becoming Noman's Land.

Kissing Boom Goodbye.

Falling from Grace.

Now is also in Pain.

Which is Next?

Another Iceland?

Turning Ugly?

Not gonna to be O.K.
That's why I've been busy.
Trying to take advantage of its currency.

1/4 of states need more Federal Aid.
Some people now doing jobs without being "Paid".
Not being paid by Cash, but Points instead.
Earning Points after selling/servicing others.
Paying Points when getting service/buying from others.

Not just Not Much Money for now.
But soon be Not Much Faith for Money from now?

It's now a Whole New Ball Game.

We're now entering a New Era.

Bubbles, Bubbles, Everywhere
Bursting, Bursting, this round, from.....


It's All Happening

Friday, December 4, 2009


Chinese always Love the word, "3".

Using it to explain the Nature.
3 Things,
Heaven, Earth & Humans.

Using it to describe the Bad.
The Notorious Gangs.

Claiming that everyone's Future is determined,
When they reach the age of 3!

Loving it for its meanings,
"Lively", "Energetic".

The word can also be used to describe the current WWIII.

3 days ago,
Australia made an Unprecedented Move.
Raising interest rate 3 times in a row!

About 3 years ago,
America's Unprecedented Collapse in Property Market started,
Raising everyone's blood pressure 3 times higher!

Within the last 3 months,
3 Unprecedented Events also happened in America.
Raising serious doubt about the Recovery.

1st event.
A Lady used to use her home to home the Homeless,
Finally became Homeless herself.
After being behind her mortgage payment.

2nd event.
A drop in Home Burglary cases.
So many are out of job & they all stay at home!!

3rd event.
1 in 7 homeowners are now behind their mortgage payments.
The Highest Ever since the record began in the 70s!
Not just the Sub-prime but also the Prime Mortgage in trouble!

If you'd survived the 1st Shock,
Took place in August 07 when the current WWIII began;

If you'd survived the 2nd Shock,
Took place in September 08 when the Lehman Bankrupted;

I hope you're to have the 3rd time Lucky!

Because I suspect another major event is to take place.


Around......3 month time?

Set your Mind Free