Friday, May 29, 2009

Totally Unepxected?

Just when you think you could hide in your Comfort Zone, things change Dramatically.

You could just be moved to a new workplace one hour drive more than the old one.
You could just be required to work 3 days instead of the normal 5 days.
You could just be taking one "Compulsory" "Voluntary" (Confusing?) Leave Day a week.

Nothing as the way it was.

Even the Markets.
Just when you think everything may have settled, Markets change Dramatically.
Look at the HSI.
Look at the HK property prices.
Look at the A$.
Look at the Oil Price.
And of course the Gold Price.

Totally Unexpected?

Should it be?
The Circle has only resumed again - what goes up will comes down and vice verse.
And now they are only on the way up again - and up very quickly.
The Crocodiles are making sure you're Tempted then Trapped.

Why Rushing to buy when everyone does AND only to pay for a Premium?
Why did you NOT buy when the HSI was at around 10,000 point?
Why did you NOT buy A$ when it was Below HK$5?
Why did you NOT sell HSBC when it was HK$45, then bought it back at around HK$30?

Have you NOT seen enough for the last 22 months?
Have you NOT learnt ONE thing from the last 22 months?

Cash is still King.
Patience is still the Name of the Game.

I'm waiting.
Still waiting after 22 months.
With Money Ready.
With Realistic Buying Targets.
AND Realistic Selling Targets.
AND above all, with Really Effective Strategies - 1/2, 1/3, 15/20.....

The Only two things that are Totally Unexpected to you could be,

I was thinking about moving this Blog to a new address (under Yahoo)

And I've started a New Blog,
(which may also be moved to a New Address)

Learning from the Past, Working for the Future

P.S. Carol, thanks for your feedback on 25 May.
I know it's a Very Frustrating and Yet Temping situation you're now in.
But, I think what should have happened is soon to happen.
The only question is, "Have you got the Time & Patience to Wait?"
If not, use the "1/2, 1/3" Strategy to MINIMISE your Risk.

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