Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Biggest Winner

After spending 2 months in Asia, we finally returned Australia two days ago.

Coming Home with a very tired body to refresh & a very heavy load of washing to do!

But still, I can NOT stop thinking about the Greatest Winner of this Current WWIII.

It's NOT the New US President, Barack Obama;

It's NOT the Always Investment King, Warren Buffete;

It's NOT the CEOs of the Failing Wall St Investment Banks or the Detroit Car Makers, Mr Greedy.

But... it's....


You have been very Patient in following this Post.

Because you have been So Humble to accept there is Always Someone, though NOT Famous or being a Billionaire himself, has Something to offer, Somehow helping you to understand the Essence of All Investments,

"Understand Yourself by Understanding Others First,
Understand Others by Understanding Yourself First.
Once Human Nature is Understood, Everything becomes Simple."

After all, Investment is merely the Extension of Oneself.

Did one of the Greatest Bands,Abba, NOT giving you the Best Financial Advice back in the 80s with the Title of one of their hits?

"Knowing Me, Knowing You."

It's all about Common Sense.
And the Common Sense is,
"Why Rushing NOW when Everything just begins CRASHING?"

The Sixth Sense is Common Sense

1 comment:

開心家庭 said...

Thanks. I learn a lot from you since your first post in baby kingdom. Your blog is already in my bookmark. Please keep on sharing with us.

P.S. I have no stock in hand now.