Thursday, December 18, 2008


Did the name "Madoff" NOT ring any bell?

He is "Mad" and ran "off" with everyone's money!
Only > US$50 Billions!!

(I guarantee you the True Figure is much much Higher than this US$50 Billions, given that some of the money is "Dirty Money" and some Victims do not wish to come out )

How could this guy operating such a large scaled scam for over 14,600 days?
Did anyone NOT notice something was Wrong during all these times?

Of course not!
But why anyone would be bother to become the "Whistle Blower" or taking the warning from a "Whistle Blower" seriously, when everyone was making some good money?

Even though noone, for example, genuinely believes a broken plastic toilet seat could worth US$1,000 - how did it matter - another idiot is prepared to pay US$1,500 for it while there are more idiots knocking on the door, fighting to get the toilet seat for US$2,000!

Like Love, there is NO logic in investment.

Where is the Logic now :-

- when everyone knows how Big Money the Hedge Funds have, How Influential these Hedge Funds have become etc., and yet noone knows exactly what these Hedge Funds been doing!! They are Untouchable - NOT regulated!
And the funny bit?
They have been around for so many decades!

- a Liquidator could find about A$4,000 cash only from a collapsed Australian firm, even though the firm's own accounting book showing it should have over A$4 Million cash!

- a Director of a listed "Blue Chip" in HK had lost billions of cash after him speculating on the Accumulator, the loss is equivalent of 50% of the "Red Chip"'s Total Assets!

- many investors still trying to "Jump Into" the market, when it is obvious the market is to fall by at least another 60-70% from its current level!

So many Liars around.
Some of them showing you Impressive Graphs of Investment Return in a Meeting Room.
Some of them showing you Impressive Knowledge of Almost Every Firm on TV.
Some of them showing you Impressive Techincs of "Predicting" Market/Share Movements in Newspaper.
Some of them........

But, All of them have the SAME and ONLY ONE Objective,

making you to be DEPENDANT ON THEM.

So that, "You take the Risk, they take Your CASH!"

An Hour a Day (checking what's going on around the world)
Keep your Money Safe ( keep these "Ripping Off Experts away!)

Greed Breeds Lies

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