Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Biggest Risk

Here we go again.

Everything is on Free Fall - again.

Wall ST fell by over 5% overnight - closing at below 8,000 mark as per my expectation - the Lowest so far in the current WWIII.

Even the Australian's S&P/AS200 dropped to 3,365 at the last check - that is over 50% drop from last Nov Peak.

The CPI in US fell by 1% in Oct - the Biggest Drop since the record started back in 1947!!
Now, everyone starts thinking about the word "Deflation" - moving forward from the word "Recession" and of course everyone also knows too well about the word "Depression" - Depressed every day waking up to see yet another Low!

Even Citi Group dropped by 23% in yesterday - yes, in ONE DAY!

And yes, even the Pirates (though NOT of the Caribbean) are back! Everything is Possible NOW!

Then again, remember what Investment is all about?

Investment is about "Managing/Minimising Risks"

So, where exactly are the Risks coming from?

From NOT "Diversifying" your Portfolio?

From NOT getting "Professional" advice?

From NOT investing for "Long Term"?


NO. NONE of the above.

The Greatest Risk coming from............................


Because you have Wrongly Assumed Share Money is Easy Money!!

(One could only wish Life is that Sweet - NO more Pressusring from Boss, Shouting from Customers and Buck Passing from colleagues!)

Because you have Wrongly Assumed Once you know the "Graph/Wave" Techinics, you will then know the Secrets to make Millions!!

(The Top 5 Wall St Investment Banks ALL have the SAME Super computers, SAME 1st Class Graduates, SAME 24-hour Working Hours etc. - and yet they all in BIG Troubles with 2 gone Bust, one sold itself to a Proper Bank and 2 rushed to become Proper Banks!!)

Because you have Wrongly Assumed the "Professionals" are Real experts AND they will look after your Interests!!

(There is ONLY one kind of expert, Ripping Off expert! And they ONLY look after their OWN interest - the Management Fee or should I say, their Commission - they are ONLY Sales!!)

Do I have to go on?

The ONLY way to Minimise the Greatest Risk is to Invest in YOURSELF!

Best Investment in Life is "People"

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