Monday, May 31, 2010


Arrived HK on (Sun)23 May.
Rang pick-up van by using Free phone.

Soon realised there's a problem.
Forgot to ask Van's Registration No.
And the pick-up point.

Then, a Bigger Problem.
Couldn't go back for Free Phone.
Had NO HK Mobile phone with me.
Had NO HK money with me.

Had to try to persuade HKese,
Waiting at pick-up zone to,
Lend me their phone for 1 Urgent call.

Told them the reasons.
Told them I would pay for the call,
With OZ Money.

1st one.
A 20+ man.
"NO. I can't let you use my phone,
I'm waiting for my boss's call"
Told him I only needed 30 seconds.
Still "No."

2nd one.
A 40+ airport traffic control woman.
"There's a public phone over there"
Reminded I'd pay her in OZ money again.
She just walked away.

Found public phone.
Yes. At last.
But NOT accepting credit card!!
Then, suddenly found a HK$10 Note!
In my pocket!
Got change from nearby 60+ elderly.
Made the call. Got the van man.
A Happy Ending - by 2245 hrs!

Got Confused.
If people worry about me running away...
With their mobile phone,
Why do they NOT worry others would...
run away with their Hard Earned Cash?
Or even Life Time Saving?

Not just a few thousand $$$,
But hundred of thousands $$$,
Or even millions of $$$??
By these Faked Experts?

Is it because these Cheaters are...
Wearing Expansive Clothings/Watches?
Sitting in an Seaviewed Office?
Writing some Financial Articles?
Appearing on TV Programmes?

Why there is SO MUCH TRUST on someone..
That you've NEVER met before?
That you've NEVER tested before?

In these ever Changing World,
Trust NOONE except your Family.

Everyone is working for their OWN Interest

Monday, May 24, 2010


Have been saying that for a long time,
"History is being made almost Everyday."

When we're Younger,
We studied History by Reading Books,
By Watching Movies,
By Listening Stories.
It's like,
"Yes, Tough Times..
But they belonged to the Past!"

Now, we're Witnessing History,
And for Most,
By Feeling the Pinch Everyday!
It's Never Been So Real,
So Close.

Wages being Frozen if not Cut;
Inflation is Rising & Rising;
Workload Forever Increasing.
Forever Postponing!

Nothing is a Surprise.

Even 53% French believe that,
Within 10-year time,
Its Government would NOT be able
To Honour its Debt Obligation!
46% for the Americans!

So, we're looking at Country..
After Country could soon be...
In the Process of Declaring

The world has changed FOREVER.
Ever since the current WWIII Started,
Back in July 2007.

The Credit Rating of "AAA",
Could be gone Forever.

After all, how could a country,
Like Spain,
Bankrupted over 12 times in last 200 years;
Like Japan,
With Debts over 200% of its GDP,
Be given a "AAA" from a start?

Gold is Forever

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Very busy in implementing my UK Relocation Plan.
Making offer for property in Devon.
Vendors are expecting More,
When a 'Hung" Parliament soon makes Life Worse!

More Busy in revising my next Investment Plan.
Been Warning it's NO longer about Company,
But C.....Countries!
NO longer about Share Prices,
But Exchange Rates!

Most Busy in monitoring, since late last year,
The Drastic Depreciation of Euro.
The Frantic Fall of Sterling Pounds.
The Complete Collapse in......Everything.

My Plan is to make a Move when.....

HSBC falls to...

Sterling pounds drops to....

When Gold.....

If HK Property Price...

But, most importantly, what's your Plan?
When Every Plan of Every Government...
Is NOT working according to The Plan!

Plan Well Ahead, Panics Stay Away