Friday, August 28, 2009



The Hottest Day in Winter in Australia.
A 130-year+ Record.
35 Degree in some parts.
(Remember, we're still in Winter!)

The Week before.

The Biggest Deal between China & Australia.
A$50 Billion.
The Biggest Single Transaction ever on Record.
(This's ONLY the Beginning!)


Australia is the ONLY Developed Country on Record that is....
NOT in Recession!

And there's Rumour,
Saying that it'll be the 1st country to raise interest rate.
As soon as this Dec!

So, you still NOT have a "Piece" of Australia?

Just look at its Exchange Rate recently.
Look at the Gold Price recently.
Look at......

Have you had a look at your Investment Profolio lately?

Here We Go Again

Friday, August 21, 2009



I remember it.

NOT the movie.
But the Great Song from the Great Band, Chicago.
"If You Leave Me Now"

A Great Romantic Song that......kills!

So when hearing the broadcaster saying, "Chicago" a few days ago,
I immediately starred at the news on TV.

Seeing a person trying to open a library door in Chicago.
But she couldn't.
The door was locked.
With a notice on it.

Then the broadcaster stated,
"Chicago City has today closed ALL public services......
All public servants are given a day off to stay at home...
To reduce the Cost....
As Chicago City aims to cut its A$400 Million Deficit...
2/3 of ALL US Cities also consider taking Similar Move....."

This is NOT Romantic at all!

Only Problematic!

Major Cities, Major Countries are having Massive Problems now.
Because they've spent in a Massive Scale, trying to boast the economies.
All now carrying a Massive Debt.
Especially the Easten Europe Block.

Some worrying economists stressed that,
Nothing since WWII, have they seen,
So Many Governments,
Borrowing So Much,
In So Short period of time.

We'll all be in a Shock.
A Bigger Shock.

So, you better sing to your shares,
"I have to leave you now.."

Timing is Everything

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Billionaire's Attitude

I knew he was rich.
But not aware of him being THAT Rich.

Well, according to the Sunshine Coast Daily ( at Aug 2007,
He was the 2nd Richest Man in the Queensland State.
Estimated to have Only......A$555 Million!

He was the Owner of the local firm that built my apartment block.
I was only renting a Penthouse (2-floor) Unit in Minyama back in Oct 2006.

Noting that there was leaking from the rooftop garden, I Emailed him.
To my surprise, he personally called me.

Then more surprise.

He knocked on my unit door at 0900 hrs the following day - as promised!
Accompanied by his Maintanese Supervisor.
After checking everything, he promised the leaking would be fixed.
And it was fixed.

Next time I saw him, it was 0800 hrs, when me leaving the apartment block,
Driving my boys to school!
He stopped to say Hello to me and asked if everything O.K.
Then continued with his checking of the building.

Has anyone wondered why some could NEVER make it?
Even though these "some" wanted to be Rich, to be Successful, to have Big Plans?


These "some" does NOT have the Right Attitude.
The Billionaire's Attitude.
The Attitude that has made the Billionaire,


And above all,
Enjoying what they're doing,
Having Pride in doing a Good Job!!

Success NEVER comes for those ONLY Talking or Dreaming.
Or those Evading their Responsibility.

Your Attitude Shapes Your Future

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Turn Around?

"Turn Around.
Everytime, I......
Turn Around..."

I remember this 80's classic, "Total Eclipse of My Heart".

To some investors, the Title of the song has summed up their feeling.
Total Eclipse.
Lost lot of money.

But to others, they love the lyrics more.
Turn Around.
Is the World Economy finally "Turn Around"?

Well, should be - GM got a US$200 million profit.
But that was after GM had written off US$1 Billion Debt!
It was NOT due to More Profit but Cheating!

Well, should be - share index rising & rising.
But that was due to Temptation created by "Crocodiles"
The fact is, "Is your cash NOT already being tied up by the 'Bargains'?"

Well, should be - 3 Big US banks paid executives a Bonus of US$18 Billion.
But the Losses for the 3 banks were US$9 Billions!
The fact is they're Ripping Everyone Off!

Well, should be - China is still having positive growth.
But China's Export is falling.......nine month in a row!!

So, do NOT assume things have been "Turn Around"
Or your "Dead Body" would be "Lying Around"
Stepped over by the Crocodiles "Cheating Around"

Be Smarter. Be Patient.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


UK, what can I say?

My 1st Overseas Experience
My 1st Dating Experience
My 1st Fighting Experience
My 1st Working Experience

The List went on and on.....
All happened in UK.

I spent a Total of 10 years in UK.
As a Student, as a Husband & as a Father.
And oh, yes, as a Runner.
My wife & I ran away from her family in UK.
Ran to HK!
24 years ago!

Strange enough, I still had some good feelings about UK,
Even though I'd a lot of Tough Times therein.

The once Greatest Empire now seems to be Falling & Falling.
Economically, Politically & Socially.

Strange enough, when I applied for HSBC Premier Account in Nov 08,
It was HSBC UK sent me the Premier Card First, then the HSBC HK.
HSBC AUS was the Last, even though I'm living in Australia!!
Even though the card needed 7 days to arrive OZ from UK!!

HSBC UK even had a Relationship Manager to ring me.
Not once, Not twice, but three times!!
Three Times a Man! (NOT a lady)

UK even giving me a pension (provided that I live till 66!).
Even though I'd worked there for about 3 1/2 years only!

The Strangest thing of all was,
Every time when I rang UK,
Be it Tax office, Bank Office etc.
It was always answered by a REAL Human Voice!
Not all these pre-recorded "robot" voice.

In 2006, UK had revised its Education System,
(Last done was in 1976!)
Raising the Compulsory School Age from 16 to 18.
Some Councils provide FREE school bus for students NOT living walking distance of schools!

So, even though UK Government has so far spent about 1.2 trillion Sterling pounds in rescuing the banks,
Which is over 80% of its GDP.
Even though UK is basically Broke,
I'm still very interested in visiting UK a.s.a.p.

See first hand what opportunities it is now offering.
The Low Property Price, the Low Exchange Rate (rebound a bit lately), the..

And of course, the HSBC particular.
The world's 4th largest bank.
And the First True Big Overseas Bank to be listed in China!!

Global Thinking, Local Gaining